For other times: https://tinyurl.com/2yjhrxvx
Info |
Agenda: - Welcome and roll call
- Initial Comparing of Ranking of Operating Initiatives and Functional Activities. [The ranking exercise is no more than a first attempt to understand the temperature of the groups with respect to ranking the initiatives and activities] (chart will be sent separately)
- Highlight comments SOPC and SCBO
- Response ICANN Finance on planning and finance topics, with Q & A
- SOPC meeting /joint meeting around ICANN71?
- Next meeting SOPC
- Closure
SCBO FY22 Comments Short List.pdf SOPC_SCBO_Ranking_Comparison.pdf |
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Recording started and stopped during meeting, due to this find below two files for each item below. Audio Recording 1 Audio Recording 2 Zoom Recording 1 Zoom Recording 2 Chat Transcript 1 Chat Transcript 2 |
Note |
Notes/ Action Items
Notes during today’s joint meeting will be taken here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PGgpTmxqkNgXDUcGcMkZyHv2KDcwrNXp2dqTonKyruA/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com] The high-level notes do not replace the recordings, but help you navigate through the recordings. |