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  1. GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) 3.0 is a GNSO Council initiative aimed at introducing incremental improvements to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of GNSO PDPs. 
  2. On 24 October 2018, the GNSO Council resolved to adopt the GNSO PDP 3.0 Proposed Improvements Paper and provided full support for fourteen (14) improvements. 
  3. In January 2019 during the GNSO Council’s Strategic Planning Session (SPS), the GNSO Council decided that a Small Team of Councilors should be convened to support the implementation efforts in collaboration with the GNSO support staff. Led by Rafik Dammak, a GNSO Council Vice Chair, the Small Team met regularly between April 2019 and February 2020, with designated leads working with staff to advance the implementation of each improvement. 
  4. To facilitate the GNSO Council’s review, the Small Team delivered four packages to the GNSO Council in an incremental manner: Package one, on improvements 1, 2, 3, and 6 was delivered on 13 August 2019; Package two, on improvements 11, 12, 14, and 16 was delivered on 25 September 2019; Package three, on improvements 5 and 13 was delivered on 22 October 2019; and Package four, on improvements 9 and 15 was delivered on 21 November 2019. 
  5. During the process of developing and finalizing the proposed implementation, the ICANN community and the ICANN org were consulted for input and suggestions via various mechanisms, including but not limited to: interviews and small group discussions, GNSO Council mailing lists and meetings, invitation to provide written input, and a public webinar on 9 December 2019. 
  6. While the PDP 3.0 precedes ICANN’s Evolution of the Multistakeholder Model (MSM) project, the implementation is nevertheless connected. The GNSO Council commented on the Evolution of the MSM’s initial report and engaged with Brian Cute, the project’s factilatorfacilitator, before and during the ICANN66 meeting in Montréal. In Appendix C of ICANN’s Draft FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plans and Draft FY21 Operating Plan & Budget, which documents the outcome of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project, three (3) out of the six (6) workstreams align with the PDP 3.0 implementation; the GNSO is being proposed to lead the “Issue A: Consensus + representation and Inclusivity” workstream. 
  7. In January-February 2020, the Small Team conducted additional activities, including: 1) revising the GNSO PDP working group charter template; 2) identifying sections in the current GNSO Operating Procedures that could be revised after the GNSO Council reviews the effectiveness of PDP 3.0 implementation; and 3) discussing “Parking Lot” items that might benefit from future work. 
  8. In January 2020 during GNSO Council’s SPS, the GNSO Council dedicated several sessions to the discussion of PDP 3.0 and agreed on several action items as the next steps for the implementation efforts.    
  9. On 10 February 2020, the Small Team completed thirteen (13) out of fourteen (14) PDP 3.0 improvements and delivered its Final Report to the GNSO Council for its consideration. The Final Report provides an overview of the PDP 3.0 implementation process and outcomes, a consolidation of all of the work products incorporating community feedback as appropriate, and suggested effective time frame for deployment of the improvements. 
  10. The last remaining work product related, the Consensus Playbook, is originated from PDP 3.0 Improvement #4 and not complete. HoweverWhile, the Consensus Playbook is not strictly a PDP 3.0 product, as it is intended to be utilized by the broader ICANN community beyond the GNSO. Its pending status should not prevent the GNSO Council adoption of the Implementation Final Report from the PDP 3.0 Small Team. Adoption of the Consensus Playbook will be voted upon by the GNSO Council at a later date.


  1. The GNSO Council hereby adopts the GNSO PDP 3.0 Implementation Final Report and instructs GNSO Support Staff to work with the GNSO Council leadership on the deployment of improvements based on the effective time frame proposed by the PDP 3.0 Small Team. 
  2. The GNSO Council requests future charter drafting teams of the GNSO Council to commence chartering for upcoming PDP efforts by utilizing the revised GNSO working group charter template and other related PDP 3.0 work products, and report to the GNSO Council on whether they help achieve the intended outcomes.
  3. The GNSO Council requests that after all PDP 3.0 improvements are in effect, the GNSO Council conducts a review of the implementation effectiveness in a timely manner. 
  4. The GNSO Council requests that following the GNSO Council review of the PDP 3.0 implementation effectiveness, the GNSO Council considers any necessary updates to the GNSO Operating Procedures and uses the relevant work product in the PDP 3.0 Implementation Final Report as a starting point.  
  5. The GNSO Council confirms that none but one (1) “Parking Lot” item (Statement of Interest Review) identified by the PDP 3.0 Small Team should be moved forward until the GNSO Council has the opportunity to evaluate the PDP 3.0 implementation effectiveness. 
  6. The GNSO Council thanks to the PDP 3.0 Small Team, GNSO support staff, and others who have contributed to the implementation of GNSO PDP 3.0 improvements as well as the proposed implementation work products to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of GNSO PDPs.