Olivier: Work team C looked at recommendations 5 and 6 of the At-Large improvement recommendations. We were trying to identify specific strengths and weaknesses and hope that each region can provide input on this SWOT analysis from their regional perspective.
See: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/Improve/NARALO+input+into+WT+C+SWOT+analyses
Gareth: I would like to volunteer to be the conduit for the NARALO
There is also a wiki workspace to plan the SF showcase available under:
Update from the At-Large Improvements WTs
Annalisa summarized the recent WT B developments.
Annalisa: While it is possible to get an Adobe Connect meeting room from ICANN for your ALS meetings, we at ISCO SF did not find it particularly useful. However, it could help draw in some members in other ALSes perhaps.