Below is a draft table of contents and list of subtopics for the Beginner's Guide to Participating in At-Large. ExCom ALAC members are asked to submit their comments via the Add Comments function on this page. If possible, please submit your initial comments as soon as possible -- by 22 25 November 2011. There will also be time to submit further comments as the project progresses. If time allows, this topic will also be discussed during the ExCom call on 22 November 2011. Many thanks.
Many thanks.
The expected timeline for this project is as follows:
Rough draft text with list of recommended graphics and photos for review 2 December 2011
Changes back to Lynn 16 December 2011
Second draft text in layout for staff review 6 January 2011
Changes back to Lynn 13 January 2011
Third and final draft for ALAC review 20 January 2011
Changes back to Lynn 27 January 2011
Final English version sent for translation 3 February 2011
Translated version for ALAC review 24 February 2011
Translated version changes back to Lynn 2 March 2011
Final posted in all languages online 8 March 2011
Beginner’s Guide to Participating in At-Large: Draft table of contents and subtopics
- Multi-stakeholder model
- Structure of ICANN
- Graphic: Olivier’s slide detailing ICANN multi-stakeholder model (p. 10); other slides in same presentation perhaps useful.
What is At-Large?
How is ICANN and At-Large organized?
- Structure of At-Large: ALSes, RALOs, ALAC, ALAC ExCom
- Graphic: Use At-Large structural diagram; Google map of ALSes; Olivier’s slide of bottom-up info flow (p. 15)
- Explain how regions connected to At-Large; regions are all different & semi-autonomous
- Each RALO has own organizing documents/MOUs, requirement re vice chairs, allowance for individual members, etc. With At-Large Improvements, all RALOs working on having individual members.
- Bottom-up process within At-Large (how a policy statement evolves) – Maybe should be a separate section
- Consider process diagrams for policy input in Olivier’s presentation (pp. 16-18).
- Standing ALAC Subcommittees
- Standing ALAC Working Groups (WGs)
- Other WGs (incl. gTLD WG)
- Cross-AC/SO WGs
- ALAC officers (ExCom members): ALAC Chair, ALAC Vice Chairs, ALAC Rapporteur
- ALAC liaisons (to GNSO, ccNSO, SSR, .mobi, IDN policy, and NCSG – confirm that these are only Bylaw-mandated liaisons)
- At-Large Delegates to the NomCom (when regionally distributed; ALAC still appoints)
- At-Large Members of Review Team(s)
- Regional officers: RALO chairs, vice chairs, secretariats
- At-Large-selected ICANN Board member
How are At-Large officers, liaisons and appointments chosen?
- Web pages (ICANN, At-Large)
- Confluence wiki pages (At-Large, RALO, WG, etc.)Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
- Adigo telephone lines
- Adobe Connect Meeting Rooms
- Mailing lists (ALAC, RALOs, etc.) – Explain what each is used for (more than current one line)
- At-Large and Regional Events Calendars
- BigPulse voting
- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
What policy areas has At-Large focused on?