At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-PLUS) Monthly Meeting
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2. Welcome, Adoption of Agenda and Call for Any Other Business or other Amendments – Maureen Hilyard (5 minutes)
3. Review of Action Items from 17 June 22 July ALT- Plus Meeting Meeting - Maureen Hilyard (2 minutes)
Items for Discussion
4. Discussion with Candidates for the Position of ALAC Delegate to the NomCom form the Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Region - Maureen Hilyard (10 minutes)
a. Amrita Choudhury - presentation (3 minutes)
b. Aris Ignacio - presentation (3 minutes)
c. Questions and Answers (4 minutes)
5. At-Large Review Implementation Final Report - Status and Discussion - Maureen Hilyard/All (20 minutes)
See: At-Large Review Report - overview and discussion
See: At-Large Review Implementation Final ReportUnaffiliated Individual Members Mobilisation WP - Roberto Gaetano
5. ICANN69 Prep: New block schedules and planning of sessions - At-Large inputs - Maureen Hilyard, Gisella Gruber
a. Reintroduction of the EG-IG session -an update - Olivier Crepin Leblond
b. Prep Week participation?
c. At-Large Plenaries in Week 1?
6. CPWG Topic: Update on CPWG and SC on O/E: ALS Activation Using UA as a Pilot - Jonathan Zuck and Daniel Nanghaka (20 minutes)
7. OFBWG Topic: ATRT3 and MSM Updates - Ricardo Holmquist (10 minutes)
a. At-Large Workspace: Third Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT3) Final Report
b. At-Large Workspace: Enhancing the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model – Next Steps
8. RALO Topic - RALO Onboarding of new ALS and Individual members - Sebastien Bachollet (15 mins)
After a specific call to coordinate « onboarding projects » (
Sébastien Bachollet will give a short presentation of the ALAC Onboarding project and the EURALO Individuals’ Association Welcome Package
Proposed way forward
8. RALO Chairs' Topic(s):
9. Outreach and Engagement:
10. Capacity Building (and Webinars) WG:
11. Next Call - Maureen Hilyard (2 minutes)
1012. AoB - Maureen Hilyard (3 minutes)