SB to provide ALAC with context for Board resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation. – STAFF TO FOLLOW HAVE FOLLOWED UP
ALAC to begin establishing communities we have access to that have experience in this field to data-mine on statistics on consumers - .
ALAC to identify any data that could be shared with the Registrars. - TO DISCUSS WITH ALAC
Patrick and Lutz to develop statement (with EBW) on SSAC Review and submit to ALAC. – COMPLETED
ALAC to request a 15 day extension on PEDNR. - COMPLETEDPatrick, Lutz, and EBW to draft statement on the Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team Set of Issues. - COMPLETED
Edmon Chung to draft statement on the Draft Proposal for the Study of Issues of IDN Variant TLD by 28 March. - COMPLETED
At-Large to have a hashtag to put up a Twitter wall. --STAFF TO FOLLOW UP WITH TANZANICA AND SCOTTBeginnner’s Guide for Singapore – Cybersavvy – protecting yourself on-line (a guide for end-users/a guide for consumers)-- useful information for the end-user.
ExCom to place Danny Younger's comment re cybersquatting registrar on next ALAC agenda. - TO BE DONE
- DY comment: For what it's worth, I would like to see the ALAC release a statement that says: We have taken note of yet another lawsuit naming an ICANN accredited registrar as a serial cybersquatter. We call upon the ICANN Compliance Department to act to eliminate the rogue registrars within our midst. For details see: http://domainnamewire.com/wp-content/above-verizon.pdf.