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December 2016

EURALO Individuals Association presented its activities.

Despite not having any workshop funded by ICANN additional funding, EURALO participates in several workshops at the At-Large Activities at the IGF in Guadalajara, Mexico - 6-9 December 2016.

Launch of At-Large FY18 Budget Development Workspace.- EURALO to submit two requests: (1) An IGF session on the Public Interest and (2) Financing to attend ICANN Studienkreis

Discussion of EURALO participation in the ICANN Academy Leadership Program

November 2016

Review of EURALO Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement responses to the survey sent out. Analysis to be performed by the task force.

EURALO support for the At-Large Public Interest Working Group

Documents developed in the previous months, including EURALO Outreach Strategic Plan, EURALO HOT TOPICS 2016 are finalised.

EURALO members to open a discussion on IoT (Internet of Things).

October 2016

EURALO Bylaws work continues.  EURALO Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement also continues its work.

EURALO Outreach Strategic Plan being developed as an input document for CROPP.

September 2016

CROPP was discussed again. EURALO.

EURALO HOT TOPICS 2016 was finalised and presented to Board member Rinalia Abdul Rahim.

ICANN Legal support requested to help with EURALO Bylaws Working Group: Task Force on review and revision of the EURALO By-Laws

August 2016

EURALO discussed the CROPP as described on Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP)-FY16 Home.

See: Past CROPP reports:




It then discussed the EURALO Board 2015-2017 Workspace. Indeed some members replaced those who have stood down due to other commitments.  Erich Schweighofer replaces Mikhail Medrish. (replacements taking place over the summer all until September)

EURALO call conferencing times were studied and it was found that the current time was the most popular.

BMSPC and BCEC committees to selection shortlist for ALAC selected Board member were populated by EURALO members.

ALS Engagement Task Force drafted a letter to be sent to all ALSes to ask for their core competencies.

July 2016

EURALO's monthly conference call, after the Helsinki conference, focussed on the EURALO input to the At-Large Review. Representatives from the Contractor were meeting with EURALO ALSes at EuroDIG in Brussels in June.

The EURALO ALS engagement task force started its work: EURALO Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement.

Julia Velkova, Yrjö Länsipuro, Olivier Crepin-Leblond (Observer),  Bastiaan Goslings (Observer) were selected to be on the ICANN Community Document Development and Drafting Resource Pilot Program - DP

June 2016

EURALO organised several activities at the ICANN 56 meeting in Helsinki:
