Members: Becky Burr, David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Greg Shatan, Hector Ariel Manoff, Helen Lee, Kate Wallace, Kristina Rosette, Kurt Pritz, Leon Sanches, Mike Rodenbaugh, Mike Silber, Robin Gross, Sam Eisner, Scott Austin, Susan Payne
Observers: Kate Wallace, Leon Sanchez, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Bernie Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
- Review of agenda
- Statements of Interest (now to be filled out by members).
- Introduction to the topics of Joinder, Consolidation, Intervention and Amicus.
- Discussions on Joinder, Consolidation, Intervention and Amicus.
- Next meeting - should be 23 June 2020 - 17:00UTC 00 UTC but this conflicts with the ICANN meeting - would propose July 7 - 17:00UTC00 UTC
- End of meeting
- mp3 mp3 (1.23:07)
- Zoom Replay
Decisions: None
Action Items
- SP to complete editing the draft translation rules and post these to the list.
- BT to recirculate SOI and members to complete the IOT specific SoI by the next meeting.
- SE to provide group with annotation of ICDR Rule 7 comparing where the Interim Supplementary Rules are silent and where there might be incompatibility.
- SE, per KR request, to inform the group relative to the evolution of discussions and language limiting those who can be party to a proceeding.
- PDFMembers to complete the new SOI form and submit to BT.
- Next Meeting - Tuesday July 7 at 17:00 UTC
- N/A
Zoom Chat Transcript