Sub-group Members: David McAuley, Kavouss Arasteh, Malcolm Hutty, Greg Shatan, Robin Gross, Samantha Eisner, Sarah McGonigle, Elizabeth Le
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Patrick Dodson, Brenda Brewer
- Admin; SOIs
- Discussion about Sam Eisner’s email proposal of Tuesday, May 8
- Discussion about David McAuley’s email of Wednesday, May 9;
- AOB.
Raw Caption Notes*
*Note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call
Documents Presented
- (none)
Action Items:
- SE – Work with DM to prep issues of Translation and Joinder for group list discussions
- DM – To prepare a note for list describing way forward agreed today which include a public consultation on repose.
- (none)
Next meeting:
- Tuesday 22 May 1900 UTC (90 minutes)
- Thursday 24 May 1900 UTC (90 minutes – may be cancelled if work completed on Tuesday 22 May)
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
13:50:33 From Brenda Brewer : Good day all! Welcome to IRP-IOT Meeting #38 on 10 May 2018 @ 19:00 UTC.
13:50:48 From Brenda Brewer : This meeting will be recorded. Please mute your line when not speaking. Thank you.
13:51:42 From Arasteh : Dear Brenda
13:54:05 From Brenda Brewer to Shannon CART (Privately) : Hi Shannon. May I have the link to captioning, please.
13:54:53 From Shannon CART to Brenda Brewer (Privately) : hello
13:55:29 From Shannon CART to Brenda Brewer (Privately) :
13:56:32 From Bernard : hello all
14:00:00 From Brenda Brewer to Shannon CART (Privately) : Thank you
14:00:12 From Bernard : Is it just me that does not have audio?
14:00:30 From Shannon CART to Brenda Brewer (Privately) : I don't hear anything right now
14:00:46 From Shannon CART to Brenda Brewer (Privately) : I hear you
14:00:47 From dmcauley : I just spoke Bernie - did you hear
14:00:59 From Bernard : no - will come back in
14:00:59 From dmcauley : I will come back on at 3 min past the hour
14:01:58 From dmcauley : Hello Kavouss - I have been extremely busy and failed to reply to you emaikl - but the document was linked in what I sent yesterday
14:02:05 From Bernard : can you hear me?
14:02:14 From Brenda Brewer : I hear Bernie
14:02:33 From Bernard : Ok I do not hear anything at this point
14:02:39 From malcolm : Nor me
14:03:10 From malcolm : I heard Brenda
14:03:24 From dmcauley : i am speaking and not on my mute
14:04:44 From Bernard : we only have 4
14:07:02 From Bernard : Kavouss hand up
14:14:03 From Bernard : Kavouss hand up
14:17:42 From Bernard : we are still only 4 ICANN counts as one
14:26:19 From Bernard : Greg has just joined so we are now 5
14:26:45 From Greg Shatan : Sorry to be late. Hello everyone.
14:31:04 From malcolm : Having this in public comment during the next ICANN meeting would be ideal; that’s when people pay attention to ICANN matters
14:32:00 From Bernard : If we get it published yes, if we can get things teed up within the next two weeks that could work
14:32:52 From Bernard : time check 28 minutes left in call
14:38:29 From samantha : We’ve taken our best efforts to represent agreements by the IOT
14:38:37 From samantha : they are annotated in the redline
14:45:31 From Robin : I won’t be able to do the 22nd, but can do the 24th.
14:46:39 From Robin : Thanks, David and all. Bye.