Sub-group Members: Avri Doria, Cherine Chalaby, David McAuley, Kate Wallace, Kavouss Arasteh, Liz Le, Robin Gross
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
- Intro/Attendance/SOI
- Standing Panel – SO/AC preparation
- Sign-up sheet/Issues coverage/plan to finish review of public comments on Supplementary Procedures
- Issue – ‘Types of Hearings’ comments
- Issue – ‘Challenges to Consensus Policies’ comments
- AOB or other issues-discussion, as time allows.
Raw Caption Notes*
*Note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call
- Next meetings scheduled for:
- Thursday 1 February 1900 UTC.
- Thursday 8 February 1900 UTC
Action Items:
- DM to publish a draft final report to close off the considerations of public comments for next meeting.
- LL – Provide KA with the materials requested in the Adobe chat.
- (none)
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (1/11/2018 12:28) Good day! Welcome to IRP-IOT Meeting #34 on 11 January 2018 @ 19:00 UTC.
David McAuley: (13:02) I cannot dial in - Brenda can you dial me at US 703-9484154US
Brenda Brewer: (13:02) yes