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   1) Roll call/SOI update

   2) Proposed next steps to progress deliberations
       - Review next steps poll results
       - Introduce proposed key concepts approach
       - Q&A during this WG call and throughout week on email
       - Resume deliberation using this approach on 13 & 21 December WG calls

   3) Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 17:00 UTC
       - Note: No WG calls on 27 December 2016 or 3 January 2017


Apologies: Andrew Sullivan, Alan Greenberg, Harold Arcos, Steve Metalitz,  Susan Prosser

Staff:  Marika Konings, Dennis Chang, David Tait, Berry Cobb, Lisa Phifer, Emily Barabas, Michelle DeSmyter 


AC Chat


Notes RDS PDP WG Meeting – 6 December 2016:

Meeting Materials:

To be introduced during meeting and posted after

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.


1. Roll Call / SOI Update

  • Attendance will be taken from Adobe Connect room
  • Please state name for transcription purposes and remember to put your phone/mic on mute when not speaking


2) Proposed next steps to progress deliberations

Review next steps poll results

  • 18 responses received to date (see
  • Disappointing result. Could be a result of no strong feelings on the question? It will be critical for WG members to participate in a timely manner in the polls that are conducted. These polls are to facilitate work in between meetings and allow for progress to be made. Polls are designed to be short and easy to respond to.
  • Small sample, not enough to make firm decisions but nevertheless strong support to make some adjustments to the methodology.
  • Leadership team has been trying to get as much input as possible from the WG, but has been having difficulty getting input from WG members. Leadership team has now come to the conclusion it may work better if it is more directive instead of spending weeks discussing process which hasn't proven to be productive. However, WG is always able and welcome to provide feedback and input on process.
  • Leadership team to present proposed adjustments to process during today's meeting as a path forward.
  • One question poll

Introduce proposed key concepts approach

  • See
  • Questions from mind map are included in this document, mapped to EWG Report Excerpts
  • EWG Report Excerpts are intended to be a starting point deliberation, open for WG review and modification.
  • Follow random rotation and alternate between subjects - will commence with users/purposes, then data elements, followed by privacy, and repeat.
  • Deliberation will take time and will require collaboration.
  • Covering these questions will hopefully address the key concepts which will then allow the WG to address the specific requirements.
  • Approach will be iterative and flexible as there are obvious links and dependencies between questions.
  • Legitimate need to collect may not be the same as legitimate need to display. Note that second question under users/purposes is: For what specific purpose should gTLD registration data be collected, maintained, and made accessible?
  • Once questions have been addressed, then move to gated access and accuracy questions, followed by the fundamental question.
  • Many issues that will need to be deliberated such as whether are registry operators allowed to publish more information than required?
  • Important to stay focused as it is not possible to deliberate on everything at once. Limit getting ahead of the game.
  • All WG members should feel free to contribute to the deliberations and asky any questions they may have.
  • Once WG agrees on key principles, it will become easier to get into the details.
  • Commence with this approach during WG meeting next week (13 December)
  • Leadership team will review comments received by Friday COB and communicate whether any further changes are to be made based on the input received. Flexible and iterative will be key to this approach.
  • Questions from mind map are taken as key concepts - if there any others, WG members are encouraged to bring those forward.
  • Q&A during this WG call and throughout week on email
  • Resume deliberation using this approach on 13 & 21 December WG calls

Action item #1: WG to provide their input on the proposed next steps to progress deliberations by Friday 9 December at the latest

3) Confirm next meeting date: Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 17:00 UTC

  • Note: No WG calls on 27 December 2016 or 3 January 2017

Meeting Materials:


