Versions Compared


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Staff:  Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Meghan Healy, Nigel Hickson

Apologies: Jorge Cancio, Herb Waye

 ** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **





1. Welcome

2. Review of Agenda (2 minutes)


Disclaimer: This rough edit transcript, which may contain missing, misspelled or paraphrased words, is only provided for your immediate review and is not certified as verbatim and is not to be cited in any way. 


  • Begin next call with a discussion of choice of law issue in registrar and registry agreements

Action Items:

  • GS to create a google doc for major issues and distribute link to list.
  • GS to create a google doc for the OFAC recommendation and distribute the link to the list.


  • Participants review the major issues google doc to ensure all issues are presented in some fashion (the objective was to regroup issues and not to list issues presented by individuals)
  • Participants review the draft OFAC recommendation google doc.

Documents Presented
