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¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia? Spanish Conference ID = 1738

Comment participer a cette teleconference?  French Conference ID = 1838


Call Management: Claudia Ruiz


Action Items: EN

Adopted Motions: EN

Decisions: EN

Recording: EN, ES, FR, RU

Transcript: EN, ES, FR, RU

Zoom Chat: EN


A G E N D A:  

Standing Agenda Items

1. Roll Call and Apologies and Confirmation of Quorum– Staff (3 minutes)

2. Welcome, Aim of the Meeting, Adoption of Agenda and Call for Any Other Business or other Amendments – Maureen Hilyard (6 minutes)

3. Review of Action Items from 23 April ALAC Meeting - Maureen Hilyard (1 minutes)


At-Large Policy Resources:

2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic
Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

Recently Ratified by the ALAC

Comment: Proposed Renewal of .asia Registry Agreement
The ALAC supports the proposed changes to the .asia (DotAsia) renewal agreement, with (3) comments related to universal acceptance (UA), public interest commitments and fees to be paid to ICANN org.

Comment: ALAC Statement on Registry Agreement Renewals .org, .biz and .info
The ALAC generally refrained from commenting on these prior proposed Registry Agreement renewals, with the exception of the proposed renewal of the .NET Registry Agreement in 2017. The ALAC in general favors standardizing Registry Agreements as this allows for transparency and predictability, as well as ease of review and compliance monitoring of one standard contract (with necessary but controlled variations through Addendums) instead of managing many disparate/varying contracts. Being supportive of this approach, the ALAC has not objected to the base Registry Agreement, or to its use in prior renewals.


Public Comment for Decision 

Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System  
Study on Technical Use of Root Zone Label Generation Rules  

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



Evolving ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model

Call for comments until 29 May 2019 23:59 UTC

See: Google Doc for drafting (comment only)



Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews





Certified (2)

Association pour la promotion des femmes par les TIC - AFRALO, Fondation Femme TIC et Développement Durable - AFRALO


Reference: Decertification Wikispace


Note: AFRALO recently ratified their AFRALO Decertification Rules.

Vote None
Awaiting advice (3)

#294 BIKLAB - EURALO (awaiting regional feedback - changed to EURALO),#293ACSIS COTE D'IVOIRE - AFRALO (awaiting regional feedback), #282 Association pour le Développement des Sociétés de l'Information au Tchad (ADESIT) - AFRALO (awaiting regional feedback)

Due diligence (6)#302 House of Africa  - AFRALO (staff completing due diligence), #301 Internet Governance Institute - APRALO (staff completing due diligence), #299 China Internet Development Foundation - APRALO (awaiting applicant feedback),#288 Liberia Information Technology students Union - AFRALO (awaiting applicant feedback) 
On hold (5)#297 The Bear Foundation - NARALO (Withdrawn), #292 Asociacion Civil Para la Investigacion Social y Tecnica de Internet (AGEIA España) - EURALO, #270 BSDCongo - AFRALO, #267 Surabhi Softwares, #112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) - APRALO 


  • Mili Semlani was elected as the APRALO Individual Representative, and Alan Greenberg will remain as NARALO Individual Representative.

  • AFRALO Observers (3) were requested to formally join as Individual members.

  • AFRALO Orientation Call TBD. Reference: RALO ALS and Individual Orientation Calls: NARALO 06 September 2017APRALO 19 June 2017.

6.  Reports and Discussion with At-Large Plus Leaders – Introduced by Maureen Hilyard  (15 minutes)



See: At-Large Reports 

See: At-Large Governance

For Discussion

7.    ALAC mid-term Replacement Liaison to the Customer Standing Committee - Maureen Hilyard (7 minutes)


12. At-Large 2019 Elections, Selections and Appointments Next Steps - Heidi (5 minutes)

      a. ALAC, Regional and ALAC NomCom Delegate Election Timetable

13. At-Large FY20 Additional Budget Request Implementation - Heidi (5 minutes)
