EURALO Board members (Period 2 years 09 Dec 2015- 09 Dec 2017)
Olawale (‘Wale) Shakiru BAKARE - United Kingdom (replacing Jordi Iparraguirre)
- Matthieu Camus - France
- Yrjö Länsipuro - Finland
- Annette Mühlberg - Germany
- Erich Schweighofer - Austria was appointed by consensus on 9/13/2016 (note: he occupied the position vacant by Mikhail Medrish - Russia- stepped down on 8/14/2016)
EURALO Board Calls
Reference documents:
EURALO Articles of Association
Selection and performance criteria for EURALO Board members 2015
EURALO mailing list archives:
EURALO Election process Dec 2015
EURALO Board member (replacement) Election 2016-2017
EURALO Board member (replacement) Election 2016
EURALO Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement
Task Force on review and revision of the EURALO By- laws
Olawale Bakare
Olawale Bakare
(please add goals here)
Dear EURALO Board Members,
Greetings to everyone.
Having read the draft of the proposal in an email sent (2nd March 2017) by Jean-Jacques Subrenat. Undoubtedly, the proposal captures the areas cogent to the multi-stakeholderism of ICANN policy development process.
As I believed, there are central to the framework for the building of consensus-based model the EURALO members should channel more energy and efforts in that direction.
I would suggest that the recommendations be integrated into the EURALO’s yearly strategic plan. If not totally, but to an extent, would serve as a measurable tool for the yearly outreach and/or engagement activities of the EURALO across Europe.
I would like to get actively involved in the EURALO strategic plan, contribute my quota to see that the recommendations are well implemented.
Matthieu Camus
Email sent Mon 1/18/2016 5:44 AM
As a Board member, I would like to explore this notion with the other members of EURALO. Below are some preliminary questions: - why the Internet (and especially domain name policies) is essentially seen by the politics as an economic tool and not a societal or cultural one? - can we share a compromise to consider some parts of the Internet as a common good? - how to improve the visibility of final users in the ICANN and how to have more weight on the policy making (related to accountability)?
Yrjö Länsipuro
- Email sent on Wed 12/30/2015 6:14 AM
The implementation of #28 has started in various degrees at the RALO's, but so far mainly as a statistical exercise. What are needed are concrete data about what kind of specialized expertise is available from which ALS's, and names and contact details of people who are willing to give their input to the policy/advice development work. I suggest that EURALO takes it upon itself to devise a mechanism for getting this information, for its own benefit and as an example to others.
Annette Mühlberg
(please add goals here)
Erich Schweighofer
(please add goals here)
As for inreach, also known as "engagement", I am well aware that the majority of our ALSes are not particularly active in EURALO. Let's make this environment both more exciting, pertinent to our ALSes and valuable. I am saying "valuable" because I think we'll be fighting an already lost battle if our ALSes do not think there is any value in participating in EURALO and At-Large activities.
2. Skillsets
This ties in with what Yrjö was saying: we need to know our ALSes much more. Only if we know our ALSes better will we be able to specifically call upon specific ALSes when a particular topic of discussion or public comment request arrives on our table. So I support what Yrjö suggests that EURALO takes it upon itelf to devise a mechanism for getting this information.
3. Linking the ALAC to our ALSes
Again, I am really excited to be able to work with you. I hope we will be able to be proactive throughout the year and bring that much needed energy to our EURALO members, to make EURALO inviting, exciting and effective.
For Reference: Goals of previous Board members 2015-2017
Actual practices are far from the Articles of Association. Some examples. General Assembly elected a Chair of EURALO, but such role doesn’t mention in the Articles of Association. From the other side General Assembly were to elect Board and at the same time to appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board, but did not do it. By the way, not the whole Board must be elected, but only a half for 2 years. Another half must be elected next year.
Goals- Email sent by Mikhail Medrish on Thu 1/14/2016 5:14 AM
D. The section 7 of the Articles of Association defines the possibility of periodical and extraordinary membership fees the amount of which determines the General Assembly. These regulaions are still not put into action. I know from my experience that even the existence of such possibilities in Bylaw can be a deterrent for potential ALSes on joining EURALO.
Jordi Iparraguirre
Email sent to mail list on Thu 12/31/2015 5:17 AM
- Thanks Olivier, great strategy summary.
- I'd propose to agree on some actionable action items for each of the points, so we can set a plan and define owners, deliverables and datelines. The same if other people have more proposals.
Dear all, as agreed during the last EURALO teleconference, please find below my main goal for this term as Board member. We have a running purpose and raison d'etre in participating in the development of policies for the DNS. This is already running. But this main objective is in danger if we are not able to increase participation and to incorporate new people in these activities. It's a mater of increasing diversity of viewpoints and be able to do more, taking into account that we are all volunteers and that we invest in EURALO/ICANN our free time after our standard working hours. So my main objective would be to help improve internal EURALO processes to increase participation, lower the entry barriers for new people to join and participate in WG, and speed up the learning curve. Your feedback and support will be really welcome thanks, jordi