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SSAC Advisory on the Use of Emoji in Domain Names (R-2)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase


SSAC Advisory on the Use of Emoji in Domain Names (R-2)SAC095



Because the risks identified in this Advisory cannot be adequately mitigated without significant changes to Unicode or IDNA (or both), the SSAC strongly discourages the registration of any domain name that includes emoji in any of its labels. The SSAC also advises registrants of domain names with emoji that such domains may not function consistently or may not be universally accessible as expected.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 5AP FeedbackICANN received confirmation from the SSAC that the items included in the letter ( from David Olive can be formally closed.


Phase 5Phase UpdateA letter ( was sent from David Olive to Rod Rasmussen regarding the status of the Advice Item.


Phase 5Phase UpdateOn 2 Nov 2017, the ICANN Board directed ( the ICANN org to engage with gTLD and ccTLD communities on the findings and recommendations in SAC095 in addition to requesting that the ccNSO and GNSO integrate conformance with IDNA2008 and its successor into their relevant policies so as to safeguard security, stability, resiliency and interoperability of domain names. Registrations under gTLDs are limited to IDNA2008 under the new gTLDs program. So registrations for such gTLDs do not permit emojis. The same restrictions are also extended for contracts for other gTLDs. There has been an active outreach to the ccTLDs for following the same practice, and not register emojis, by ICANN org's GSE team and the IDN program team. ICANN org notes that the SSAC has stated this item can be considered complete and for ICANN org to provide a link to the training materials. ICANN org notes that a flyer on Emojis based on SSAC’s SAC095 report is published and ICANN org has been distributing and presenting it at various forums globally through its GSE team. The flyer ( is available in six languages on the IDN program page. The GSE team has also reached out to the few ccTLDs which offer emojis and has conveyed the security concerns. In some cases these have been taken up by the ccTLD community as well. As a result, implementation of this Advice is considered complete.


Phase 5Phase UpdateOutreach has been done to ccTLDs since the advice, and materials were produced, distributed and presented at multiple forums. This items was requested to be closed.


Phase 5Phase ChangeNow in Phase 5: Close


Phase 4Phase UpdateICANN org notes that the SSAC has stated this item can be considered complete and for ICANN org to provide a link to the training materials. ICANN org notes that a flyer on Emojis based on SSAC’s SAC095 report and have been distributing and presenting it at various fora globally in collaboration with the GSE team. The flyer is posted at the IDN program page (; please scroll down to see the flyer in six languages (e.g. in English).


Phase 4Phase UpdateICANN org continues to conduct outreach to ccTLDs to inform them of the risks of registering emoji domains.


Phase 4Phase UpdateThe new gTLDs already adhere to IDNA2008, which prevents registration of emojis at the second level. ICANN has reached out to ccTLDs, and will continue to do so, to inform them about the issues with registering emojis and adhering to IDNA2008.
 Phase 4Phase UpdateRegistrations under gTLDs are limited to IDNA2008 under the new gTLDs program. So registrations for such gTLDs do not permit emojis. The same restrictions are also also extended for contracts for other gTLDs. There is active outreach to the ccTLDs for following the same practice, and not register emojis, by ICANN org's GSE team and the IDN program team. ICANN org has also translated the advice from SSAC to training materials, e.g. see the flyer and its translations at the bottom of the webpage - which is being disseminated by the GSE team.


Phase 4Phase UpdateThe ICANN Organization understands recommendation 2 of SAC095 to mean that the SSAC strongly discourages the registration of any domain name that includes emoji in any of its labels. The ICANN Organization also understands recommendation 2 to mean that the SSAC advises registrants of domain names with emoji that such domains may not function consistently or may not be universally accessible as expected. This understanding was confirmed by the SSAC on 18 August 2017. The ICANN Board considered this item at ICANN60 in Abu Dhabi: The Board directed the ICANN to engage with gTLD and ccTLD communities on the findings and recommendations in SAC095 in addition to requesting that the ccNSO and GNSO integrate conformance with IDNA2008 and its successor into their relevant policies so as to safeguard security, stability, resiliency and interoperability of domain names.


Phase 4Phase UpdateThe ICANN Organization understands recommendation 2 of SAC095 to mean that the SSAC strongly discourages the registration of any domain name that includes emoji in any of its labels. The ICANN Organization also understands recommendation 2 to mean that the SSAC advises registrants of domain names with emoji that such domains may not function consistently or may not be universally accessible as expected. This understanding was confirmed by the SSAC on 18 August 2017. The ICANN Board considered this item at ICANN60 in Abu Dhabi: The ICANN org is currently reviewing the resolution for required next steps.


Phase 4Phase ChangeNow in Phase 4: Implement


Phase 3Board UpdateResolved (2017.11.02.09), the Board hereby directs that conformance to IDNA2008 and its successor will continue to be a necessary condition to determine valid IDN TLD labels. Resolved (2017.11.02.10), the Board requests that the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) and the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) engage with the SSAC to more fully understand the risks and consequences of using a domain name that includes emoji in any of its labels, and inform their respective communities about these risks. Resolved (2017.11.02.11), the Board requests that the ccNSO and GNSO integrate conformance with IDNA2008 and its successor into their relevant policies so as to safeguard security, stability, resiliency and interoperability of domain names. Resolved (2017.11.02.12), the Board directs the ICANN CEO, or his designee(s), to engage with gTLD and ccTLD communities on the findings and recommendations in SAC095. See full resolution at and scorecard at


Phase 3Phase UpdateICANN received SSAC's approval of understanding and is in the process of evaluating the advice. The ICANN Organization understands recommendation 2 of SAC095 to mean that the SSAC strongly discourages the registration of any domain name that includes emoji in any of its labels. The ICANN Organization also understands recommendation 2 to mean that the SSAC advises registrants of domain names with emoji that such domains may not function consistently or may not be universally accessible as expected. This understanding was confirmed by the SSAC on 18 August 2017.


Phase 3Phase ChangeNow in Phase 3: Evaluate & Consider


Phase 2AP FeedbackSSAC confirmed Understanding.


Phase 2Phase UpdateThe ICANN Organization understands recommendation 2 of SAC095 to mean that the SSAC strongly discourages the registration of any domain name that includes emoji in any of its labels. The ICANN Organization also understands recommendation 2 to mean that the SSAC advises registrants of domain names with emoji that such domains may not function consistently or may not be universally accessible as expected. This understanding was sent to the SSAC on 8 June 2017.


Phase 2Board UnderstandingThe ICANN Organization understands recommendation 2 of SAC095 to mean that the SSAC strongly discourages the registration of any domain name that includes emoji in any of its labels. The ICANN Organization also understands recommendation 2 to mean that the SSAC advises registrants of domain names with emoji that such domains may not function consistently or may not be universally accessible as expected.


Phase 2Phase UpdateUnderstanding sent to SSAC for review.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2: Understand


Phase 1Phase UpdateSSAC published SAC095: SSAC Advisory on the Use of Emoji in Domain Names. Link: