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BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS Final Charter - Standing Selection Committee FINAL- 15 March 2017 - Proposed Revisions v1 SSR2 Skills Matrix for SO & AC Chairs.xlsx SSR2 Skills Matrix _with SSC poll results.xlsx SSC - SSR2-RT Skills Matrix Poll Results.xlsx SLIDES: SSC meeting - 7 Feb 2018.pdf |
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PARTICIPATION Attendees: Dial out: Erika MannSusan Kawaguchi, Maxim Alzoba, Frederic Guillemaut, Lori Schulman, Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Osvaldo Novoa Apologies: Poncelet Ileleji, Erika Mann ICANN staff: Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Nathalie Peregrine |
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Notes/ Action Items
Action Item 1: Staff will draft an email to the SSR2-RT co-chairs asking for feedback on the profile of the desired candidate. Draft message will be circulated to SSC members for sign-off and then sent to SSR2-RT co-chairs. Action Item 2: Staff will prepare a poll for SSC members to complete once feedback is received from the SSR2-RT co-chairs. The poll will ask members to state their preference between the two candidates. Action Item 3: Staff will draft a placeholder motion for the SSC recommendation, which will be submitted prior to the 12 February document deadline for the 22 February GNSO Council meeting.
Notes: 1. Welcome/Agenda review/SOI updates - no SOI updates.
2. Review of poll results – SSR2-RT candidates/skills matrix - The selection of a candidate by the SSC has become more pressing as a GNSO priority. The SO/AC leaders feel that this selection process must be completed before the SSR2-RT can resume. The GNSO would not like this selection to hold up re-starting the Review Team, therefore a recommendation should be made as soon as possible. - One member noted that in addition to poll results, diversity should be a consideration for this process, including geographic region and SG/C. - Affiliation of SSR2-RT members nominated by the GNSO: Denise Michel (BC), Norm Ritchie (unaffiliated), James Gannon, the member who stepped down, is NCUC-affiliated - Affiliation of candidates for the vacancy: Rao Naveed Bin Rais (NCUC) and Scott McCormick (BC) - Question: Is it possible for the SSC to recommend training for members? - Response: The Council can recommend that the Review Team members have access to training in areas relevant to the work, but it may not be appropriate for this group to make recommendations for specific training for specific candidates. - SSAC was concerned with technical and security skills on the team and that more individuals with this skill set may be needed. - Suggestion: Perhaps it would be helpful to ask Norm and Denise what types of skills/types of person would be most valuable to the SSR as they have direct experience with what is needed. It may also be helpful to rach out to James Gannon as he was there from the start. - Alternately, the SSC could focus outreach to current leadership (Denise and Eric). SSC members on the call generally supported directing the inquiry to the co-chairs.
3. Proposed revisions to SSC Charter (time permitting) - There was not enough time to cover this topic on the call. - Regarding deadlines, the SSC could have this item for discussion at the upcoming meeting, if feasible, but for formal consideration, it would need to be submitted with a motion by the deadline for the following meeting.
4. AOB - None. Next call will be scheduled using a doodle poll. |