Note |
Notes to SCI Members and Other Reviewers: In this Draft v3 version of the questionnaire, I made the following substantive changes:
Welcome and Introduction
Thank you for accepting the invitation to complete this questionnaire concerning your experiences with the __________________________ Working Group (WG). Your Chartering Organization (CO) and other ICANN stakeholders are keenly interested in learning about the effectiveness of its chartered teams by asking participants for their assessments, perspectives, and insights concerning various aspects of the Working Group's operations, norms, logistics, decision-making, and outputs. The results of your feedback will be used to identify improvement areas in the guidelines, tools, methods, templates, and procedures applicable to Working Groups. Summary reports will be shared not only with your Working Group, but the larger GNSO stakeholder community.
This questionnaire is organized into five six short sections and should take approximately _____ minutes to complete. Although most of the questions will ask you for an effectiveness rating (1-7 Scale), there will be an opportunity within each major section to add free-form text comments. You are encouraged to provide supplementary explanations or other supporting information that will help the Chartering Organization understand and interpret your input. If there is any individual question for which you do not wish to provide a rating, a SKIP option is available.
Name: | |
Email: | |
Organization: | Please select one from the drop-down list:
Working Group Role: | Please select the most descriptive role that you fulfilled on the WG from the drop-down list:
Info |
In the next three four sections (II, III, and IV-V), you will be asked to rate the EFFECTIVENESS of each dimension; the scale interpretation will be provided appropriate to each element. Your Chartering Organization (CO) understands that, when answering survey questions, it may seem challenging to assign a single numerical rating to any team dimension in which a broad spectrum of experiences occurred. You are asked to think broadly about the overall effort and provide the most honest and accurate representation in your best judgment. Learning and process improvement are the goals and there are no right or wrong answers. Recognizing that there may be important dynamics that simply cannot be captured in a single rating, you are encouraged to use the free-form comment box within each major section to provide supplementary explanations that will help the CO understand and interpret your feedback. |
Assessment Category | Rating | ||||||||
The Participation climate within the WG where: |
| ||||||||
The Behavior norm of WG members where: 1-Highly Ineffective means disruptive, argumentative, disrespectful, hostile, domineering; and 7-Highly Effective means accommodating, respectful, collaborative, consensus-building |
| ||||||||
The Decision-Making Methodology (Consensuse.g., consensus)where: |
| ||||||||
The Session/Meeting Planning (Agendae.g., agendas) where: |
| ||||||||
Comments about the WG's Processes: | (Free-form Text Box) |
Assessment Category | Rating | ||||||||
The Working Group's primary Mission where: |
| ||||||||
The Quality of the WG's outputs (a.k.a. deliverables) where: 1-Highly Ineffective means incomplete, inadequate, materially deficient/flawed, unsupported; and 7-Highly Effective means complete, thorough, exhaustive, reasoned, supported |
| ||||||||
Comments about the WG's Products and Outputs: | (Free-form Text Box) |
V. Personal
As a result of having invested significant time and effort volunteering on a Working Group
, your Chartering Organization is interested to learn about your own personal Engagement, Fulfillment, and Willingness-to-Serve in the future.
Assessment Category | Rating | ||||||||
My personal Engagement in helping the WG achieve accomplish its mission: |
| ||||||||
My personal Fulfillment considering the time, energy, and work efforts I contributed to this WG: |
| ||||||||
Assuming all other conditions are suitable (e.g., subject, interest, need, fit, availability), I assess my personal Willingness-to-Serve on a future ICANN Working Group as: |
| ||||||||
Comments about Personal Dimensions: | (Free-form Text Box) |
VI. Demographics
Your Chartering Organization has a few final questions that will assist in framing your experience with this Working Group.
How did you learn about the WG? | Please select one from the drop-down list:
| |
Approximately how long have you been involved with ICANN: | Please select one from the drop-down list:
| |
Considering the most recent twelve months, on average, approximately how many hours | perper week do you spend on ICANN-related activities: | Please select one from the drop-down list:
Comments about Personal Fulfillment and Demographics: | (Free-form Text Box) |
Additional Comments: (Please feel free to provide any additional feedback about your Working Group experience, this Self-Assessment, or any other matter not covered elsewhere in this questionnaire) | (Free-form Text Box) |