Attendees: Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Katrina Sataki, Maarten Botterman, Matthew Shears, Osvaldo Novoa, Sébastien Bachollet, Tola Sogbesan ICANN Org: Giovanni Seppia, Jason Kean, Larisa Gurnick, Sam Eisner, Xavier Calvez, Yvette Guigneaux Ombudsman: Herb Waye Apologies: Pat Kane Zoom Audio Replay: EN
Zoom Video Replay: EN
- Recordings Password: GsTL4$M?9&
Meeting Transcript: (Unofficial - Zoom) Chat Transcript: EN Documents:
General Meeting Call Report: PILOT HOLISTIC REVIEW Terms of Reference (ToR) TEAM Discussion on Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft ToR version 3 – Meeting 7 Decisions Reached: Revised Draft ToR to be cleaned up as per plenary discussion - The group agreed to have the Revised Draft ToR cleaned up and approved by the ToR leadership.
Send Revised ToR to OEC - The group agreed to have the ToR leadership send the clean Revised ToR to the OEC for next steps.
Action Items: - Clean up revised Draft ToR - ICANN org
- Send clean Revised Draft ToR to OEC - ToR Leads with support from ICANN org