Versions Compared


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Documents:  PDF


AC Chat:  EN

Decisions Reached:

Schedule a session with SO/ACs at ICANN65 to present terms of reference and ask what the review team has missed

Action Items:

Plenary call agenda:

      • add
    • workplan (below
      • "workplan" as a sub-bullet of terms of reference
    • )
      • break Face-to-Face
    • meetings: break it
      • Meetings into two:
    • 1) LA Meeting logistics 2) future meeting planningReview whether NDA will be needed for ATRT3
      • "LA Meeting" and "Future Meetings Planning". 
      • Remove "concerns" from "Transparency concerns" and add "Transparency: Guiding Principles"

Review whether ATRT3 will be needing an NDA.

ToR template:


      • add "draft watermark
      • Convert ToR into 4-5 slides for the review team to take
      • Review whether all review team members have confirmed their names/data can be published on ToR, wiki.
      • Add following introductory text when sending out "The content in here are example text not the first draft or the first cut of your own terms of reference." "As this is merely a template with example language, please do not send it around until we have our first cut
    • ,
      • so as to avoid confusion
    • with
      • between example language and the real work that the review is going to be doing."
      • update section on "dissolution of review team" based on ssr2 pause

Extend leadership call to 1hr.