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The meeting of the Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT is scheduled for Wednesday, 07 July 2021 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes.


  1. Checkin 
      Dates added to
      1. Introduce Gustavo
    1. Announcements on the project workscope
      1. EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Recommendations added to workscope
      2. EPDP Phase 2A Open for Public Comment till 19 July 2021
    2. Updates to IRT Workbook Status Map: dates & Priority 2 items
    3. IRT Task 153 - Review Disclosure Recommendation and Requirement logic on IRT workbook
    4. OneDoc
      1. IRT Task 156 - Potential addition of section 9.6 as a MAY requirement
      2. Changes to section 10.3 to be accepted
      3. IRT comment in Section 12.1.1 to be resolved
      4. Section 12.1.3
        1. IRT CommentComment 
        2. Minor language change from “registrant” to “registered name holder”
        Addition of “Registration Data” to section 13
      5. Use of “other” in implementation notes A
      6. IRT Task 155 - Deletion of implementation notes B.c
      7. Text from section 7.6 moved to implementation notes C.c 
    5. Drafting Errors - IRT Task 143 
      1. #3 - Adding footnote to clarify that if registrar doesn’t generate and expiration date, they understand that the registry’s expiration date may be used
      2. #5 - Adding original language on data element in 5.
      3. IRT Task 150 - #8 - Tech Email MUST IF
      4. IRT comment in section 8.3
    6. AOB


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