Action Items:Transcript
Action Items:
- Sub Team to proceed to edit current table/google doc – Lori Schulman to work with staff on proposed way forward (DOCUMENT RECIRCULATED TO SUB TEAM ON 2 JUNE)
- Remove "final" from title of 3rd column, and retitle to "Proposed Footnotes or Alternative Wording" in the latest table/google doc (DONE)
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.
- Understanding of Sub Team co-chair was that the 19 May call would only proceed if a Sub Team member was available to chair the call - not staff
- Sub Team was meant to not rewrite original Charter question, but only add footnotes to provide clarification on questions
- Meeting the 31 May deadline was always unlikely as many Sub Team members were not available due to conflicting meetings taking place (GDD Summit and INTA annual meeting)
- Heading of language 3 can be changed to indicate how it would be used in the Sub Team's deliverables
- Should the Sub Team proceed with a new document, or continue to made changes to the existing google doc?
- ACTION ITEM: Remove "final" from title of 3rd column, and retitle to "Proposed Footnotes or Alternative Wording" in the latest table/google doc
- Even if Charter questions are batched and/or reordered, they do not necessarily need to be consolidated
- From AC Chat: For staff: Can we possibly make sure that the Google doc is in Suggestion mode? That way it pulls out all author suggestions as a comment rather than running all edits together.
- Original Charter questions not all developed by the GNSO Council and/or staff - Many of them the result of community feedback, and placed in the Charter without revisions
- From AC Chat: Note that there has been an outstanding Action Item for the Sub Team for the past few weeks - to develop proposed definitions for "premium names", "premium pricing" and "reserved names".
- ACTION ITEM: Sub Team to proceed to edit current table/google doc - Lori to work with staff on proposed way forward