- Welcome - CSG Chair – Mason Cole, BC (5 min.)
- Conversation with GAC Public Safety Working Group (55 min.)
- Ongoing Efforts to Combat Persistent DNS Abuse
- Next steps following RA/RAA updates
- Board Rejection of CCRT Recommendations 14 and 15
- Any PSWG contributions to NIS2 member state implementation
- What were their perceptions of the GAC capacity building workshop and do they see the group tackling questions about the alternative roots and decentralized domains in the context of public safety?
- Will governments be using the new RDRS system given that inquiries will not be confidential?
- Experience on Privacy/Proxy Services responses to Disclosure Requests
- RDRS Promotion efforts
Update on Urgent Requests (Registration Data Consensus Policy)
- Ongoing Efforts to Combat Persistent DNS Abuse
- Takeaways from NCPH Day 0 Event – Philippe Fouquart, ISPCP (10 min.)
- Threat Vectors for Domain Abuse - Margie Milam, BC (20 mins.)
- EU Legislative Outlook - Philippe Fouquart, ISPCP (25 mins.)
- AOB/ADJOURN – Mason Cole, BC (5 min.)