DATE: Monday, 25 October 2021TIME: 12:30 - 14:00ROOM: |
1. Welcome
2. Updates
3. Discussion
Zoom 4 (GNSO)ICANN72 Session Link |
GNSO Council Priorities and Prep Session
Monday 25 October from 19.30 – 21.00 UTC
This session is divided into two parts:
- Council preparation for bilateral meetings that are scheduled during ICANN72;
- Review and discussion of priorities for the year ahead.
Preparation for bilateral sessions (30 minutes)
The following sessions are scheduled during ICANN72:
- Meeting with the Governmental Advisory Committee on Monday 25 October from 23.30 – 00.30 UTC. The following agenda has been agreed with GAC leadership:
- Meeting with the ICANN Board on Tuesday 26 October from 16.00 – 17.00 UTC. The following topic has been suggested by the ICANN Board:
- Please provide input/comments on how you think we could efficiently identify and work more closely with Governments globally, as well as educate, train and interact when it comes to geopolitical issues relating to ICANN’s mission.
In addition, the GNSO Council has suggested the following topics:
- A status update on GNSO Council approved policy recommendations /clarifications that are with the ICANN Board for a decision. These include:
- Status of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation #12 – see https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/fouquart-to-botterman-04mar21-en.pdf
- Status of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation #7 – see https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/fouquart-to-botterman-29jan21-en.pdf
As well as an update on the expected timeline for implementation of the EPDP phase 1 recommendations and the potential impact a decision on these outstanding items may have had on that timeline.
- Update on the Council’s plan for this year’s Strategic Planning Session
Review and discussion of priorities for the year ahead (60 minutes)
This part of the session will kick off with a brief overview of GNSO's Annual Activity Forecast tool. This is a new tool which provides a filtered view of the Project Management Tools (PMT) for the Council year of 2021-2022. Any active or planned project that DOES or MAY exist within that timeframe, appear on the Annual Activity Forecast. It also depicts which projects the Council owns vs. what the GNSO contributes to. Following this overview, Council members, incoming as well as outgoing, as well as others participating in this session, will be asked to contribute to the discussion by answering the following questions:
- Is there anything missing from the forecast that the Council should anticipate working on?
- Is it feasible to work on all these projects in the coming year? If not, what needs to happen to make it feasible?
- Should the Council take a more active oversight role in relation to the implementation of adopted GNSO policy recommendations? If yes, how?
- Community fatigue is apparent in several projects, even those that have been identified as high priority by some – is this the result of zoom / Covid fatigue or are there other factors at play? What can be done to counter this fatigue and make sure work gets done in a timely manner with active participation from all?