Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier access: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/hIsCBwT_qeBg
This agenda was established according to the GNSO Operating Procedures v3.3, updated on 30 January 2018
Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on the 22 August 2019 were posted on the 6 September 2019
Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on the 19 September 2019 were posted on 10 October 2019
2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action Item List
Item 3: Consent Agenda (5 minutes)
4.1 – Introduction of topic (Council Leadership; Heather Forrest - Drafting Team Chair) Presentation
4.2 – Council discussion
4.3 – Next steps
7.1 – Introduction of topic (Council Leadership; Edmon Chung - Small Team lead) - IDN Scoping Team Presentation slide deck
7.2 – Update and council discussion
8.1 - Introduction of topic (Rafik Dammak) PDP 3.0 Presentation slide deck
8.2 - Council discussion
8.3 - Next steps
The RrSG is requesting the GNSO Council’s assistance in raising the matter with the ICANN Board. The RrSG provided a draft letter, which asks the ICANN Board to: “ (1) refer this matter to the impending Transfer Policy review (which could be in the form of a new PDP), and (2) instruct ICANN org to defer any Gaining FOA compliance enforcement until the matter is settled in the Transfer Policy review.”