Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG) Open Meeting
ICANN62 schedule link:
AGENDA (draft)This agenda is currently in draft form, and is subject to change as guest speaker slots are still being confirmed.
Time | Topic | |
15:15 | Welcome by ISPCP Chairman, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben | |
15:15 - 1615:0045 | Discussion with ICANN CEO, Göran Marby (tentative) | 16:00
15:45 - 16:20 | Discussion of policy matters of interest by thetopics with BC, IPC, and ISPCP Members:
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16:20 - 16:45 | Auction Proceeds Discussion with ICANN Staff: Xavier Calvez (Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer) and Samantha Eisner (Deputy General Counsel) time to be confirmed:
| |
16:45 | Adjourn |
For more information about the Business (BC), Intellectual Property (IPC), and Internet Service Providers & Connectivity Providers (ISPCP) Constituencies, please visit their respective community websites below:
Business Constituency (BC):