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Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier access: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/Oo7RAwPZmeBg

This agenda was established according to the GNSO Operating Procedures v3.2, updated on 01 September 2016.

For convenience:

  • An excerpt of the ICANN Bylaws defining the voting thresholds is provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this agenda.
  • An excerpt from the Council Operating Procedures defining the absentee voting procedures is provided in Appendix 2 at the end of this agenda.


Coordinated Universal Time: 12:00 UTC

04:00 Los Angeles; 07:00 Washington; 12:00 London; 15:00 Istanbul; 23:00 Hobart


GNSO Council Meeting Audio Cast
To join the event click on the link: 
Councilors should notify the GNSO Secretariat in advance if they will not be able to attend and/or need a dial out call.




Item 1. Administrative Matters (5 mins)

 1.1 - Roll Call

1.2 - Updates to Statements of Interest

1.3 - Review / Amend Agenda

1.4 - Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meetings per the GNSO Operating Procedures:

Minutes of the meeting of the GNSO Council on 15 December 2016, posted on 4 January 2017.

Minutes of the meeting of the GNSO Council on 19 January 2017, posted on 10 February 2017.


Item 2. Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)

2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action Item List


Item 3. Consent Agenda (5 mins) 


In May 2014, ICANN launched a review of the Procedure. An Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) was formed and began its work in January 2015. The IAG’s Initial Report was published for public comment in November 2015. On 25 May 2016, the IAG’s Final Report, together with Appendices and a summary memo (http, was delivered to the GNSO Council. The IAG Final Report proposes modifying the Procedure to allow for an additional trigger where a party has obtained, and submitted to ICANN, a written statement from the government agency charged with enforcing its data privacy laws indicating that a particular WHOIS obligation is in conflict with its national law.


The ICANN Bylaws mandate a periodic review to assess the effectiveness of the then-current gTLD registry directory service and whether its implementation meets the legitimate needs of law enforcement, promoting consumer trust and safeguarding registrant data. A call for volunteers for the second such Registration Directory Service (RDS) Review (formerly a WHOIS Review) was first published on 28 October 2016, and the deadline for applications was subsequently extended to 20 January 2017 ( All ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees (SO/AC) are now expected to select their primary and (if appropriate) alternate candidates for the RDS Review Team, according to their own internal processes, from the list of applications received (https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/gYfDAwhIy4BQ). Under the Bylaws, each SO/AC may select up to 3 primary nominees who will each automatically have a place on the RDS Review Team, and may also nominate a further 4 candidates for consideration for inclusion by the full SO/AC leadership team should there be additional places available on the Review Team due to one or more SO/AC not having selected its full slate of 3 primary nominees.


Based on Council discussions at its last few meetings following ICANN57 and the draft overall ICANN block meeting schedule for ICANN58 (, ICANN staff updated the draft GNSO Block Schedule that had been circulated previously, to include specific slots for face-to-face meetings of GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Groups, and specific topics for discussion at the various GNSO sessions. An updated draft GNSO Block Schedule was posted on 8 14 February 2017 ( Here  Here the Council will review the updated draft GNSO Block Schedule, and confirm the topics and timings for the GNSO’s sessions at ICANN58. 
