- Introduction
- Tour de table & introductions
- Short overview about NCUC and activities: why should you join NCUC
- Briefings about ongoing discussion:
- Policy Topics:
- new gTLD subsequent procedures, [Avri]
- Right Protections Mechanisms,[Kathy]
- Registration Directory Services [Stephanie]
- non-Policy Interest Topics:
- Workstream 2:
- Transparency [Michael]
- Human Rights [Niels]
- GNSO futures (Stephanie)
- Workstream 2:
- Policy Topics:
- Meeting with guests (TBC):
- Khaled Koubaa, new Board memberĀ
- Administrative matters
- Activities report from NCUC Executive Committee
- Bylaw update: including Empowered Community addition, bylaws changes
- Election update
- Intersessional meeting
Content Comparison
App links