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Comment: Fix links.


1.  Roll call – 5 min

2.  Review of AIs from 3 Feb 2011 meeting -- Dev, 5 min

a)  Seth to contact Beau for feedback on consumer document.


b)  Heidi to add WT D’s consumer document to the Consumer Commons for comments, once the WT considers it ready.

   -  See:  WT D's consolidated consumer document – draft 2 
               WT D outline of consolidated consumer document(s) workspace

   -  In progress.  Further suggestions made for document by WT during this meeting.


c)  Dev to consider incorporating into main PAD flowchart:  (a) additional points at which extensions can be requested (see details in 3 Feb meeting notes) and (b) a way of “extending an extension” (i.e., of requesting a second extension) with all information and reasons specified.

   -  In progress; see agenda item below.

d)  Dev to add to Before policy is available for comment flowchart:  an ICANN committee will actively monitor policy calendar in order to coordinate public comment periods, group related policies together, decide release dates, report back to SOs/ACs, etc.


3.  Revision of PAD flowcharts (continued discussion) – Dev, 5 min

      -   Main PAD flowchart to include (a) additional points at which extensions can be requested and a way of “extending an extension” (of requesting a second extension)

      -  Before policy is available for comment flowchart to include proposed ICANN committee that monitors policy calendar to coordinate public comment periods, group related policies together, decide release dates, report back to SOs/ACs, etc.

Main PAD flowchart

How should allowing for variable-length extensions be incorporated into the flowchart?


  • To do this, if responding to a comment to come in very late in the period, it would need:
    • Access to these other comments; and
    • Ability to request a last-minute extension.
  • The ATRT final recommendations address this issue, as well as many other issues regarding the public comment period with which WT D is dealing. 
    • The ATRT recommendations deal with (a) allowing interaction between parties submitting public comments and (b) situation of a comment coming in late in the process that causes others commenting to rethink their comments or react.
    • So, in WT D’s final reporting to ALAC (and, then, in ALAC’s final reporting to Board), it should support these recommendations from the ATRT.
      • In WT D’s reporting to ALAC, there should be clear links to or excerpts from ATRT recommendations that WT D supports.

Before policy is available for comment flowchart

The WT continued discussing the idea of an ICANN community, cross-constituency committee that:


>> AI:  Dev to modify both Main PAD flowchart and Before policy is available for comment flowchart according to WT D meeting discussion on 17 February 20012011.

The WT discussed whether or not it should consult with other existing committees that already deal with issues regarding the public comment period, regarding whether they consider the ideas the WT is proposing (in particular, the idea for a committee to monitor the policy calendar) to have merit. 


  • Start by ensuring that members of each constituency working within the other constituencies’ WGs (liaisons).  But this is often not enough. 
  • Must also make sure that input from an AC does not have less priority than input from any individual or any organization that submits a public comment.  (In fact, input from an AC should perhaps have more priority.)  For example:  Recently, much time has been devoted to considering whether and when the GNSO Council will even accept input from ACs’ WGs.
    • Helps – but is not enough – to make sure there’s diligent communication and input on both community-to-community and staff-to-staff levels.
    • But this is not enough.  Based on Rec. 13, the ALAC and other ACs will need to deal with this issue – but on a higher, ICANN-wide (GNSO-ATRT-SIC-Board) level than WT D.  WT D has done everything it can via Rec. 13.
  • Must also make sure that input from all ICANN constituencies has equal priority.
    • An ALAC proposal must be submitted to David Olive to ensure that tasks 13.4, 13.5. and 13.6 are followed through on.
      • It’d be very useful to list these points in the WT’s final reporting.

>>  AI:  Heidi to look into possibility of ensuring tasks 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6 via an ALAC recommendation to David Olive.
