The objectives of the group are:
Staff Support Lead:
Main mailing list:
Group Objectives:
The pilot will consisted of a series of virtual sessions facilitated by the org’s Planning team. Other subject matter experts also attended the pilot sessions. In addition, a liaison from the ICANN Board attended the sessions.
During the sessions, participants reviewed the list of Board-approved recommendations from Specific Reviews that are pending for implementation as they are subject to prioritization.
Steps of pilot prioritization process:
Step 1: The output is a list of prioritized Board-approved specific review recommendations to be published as a resource document for the Proposed for Adoption FY23-27 Operating and Financial Plan presented to the ICANN Board for Adoption in May 2022.
Step 2: Within 1-2 months from the end of Step 1, and once the org receives the list of prioritized recommendations, org will start to assess them against the resources required for their implementation and develop a detailed implementation plan. Furthermore, during this step, org evaluates possible dependencies among the prioritized recommendations. Subsequently, org will begin to evaluate the implementation of the prioritized recommendations and these plans will be reported back out to the Community.
Final Prioritized List from the Pilot 03 May 2022
The output is a list of prioritized Board-approved specific review recommendations that was published as a resource document for the Adopted FY23-27 Operating and Financial Plan presented to the ICANN Board for Adoption in May 2022.
The org thanks the community members for their participation in this pilot and for their input received thus far in 1 prioritized Board-approved specific review recommendations, which was finalized on 03 May 2022.
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For information on the status of the list of prioritized Board-approved specific review recommendations, please see the below links to a status of recommendations by review.
ATRT Implementation -
CCT Implementation -
RDS Implementation -
SSR Implementation -
Summary Presentation on Output of the Pilot and Next Steps
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The org recommends that participation consists of members from the community that are selected by the stakeholder groups and constituencies leadership. The stakeholder groups and constituencies leadership will be asked to nominate one member to participate in the prioritization process. The request includes identifying an alternate member should the primary
member be unable to participate due to unforeseen reasons. The community planning prioritization group will have up to 9 members as follows:
# | Affiliation | Member | Alternate |
1 | At-Large - ALAC | Cheryl Langdon-Orr | Jonathan Zuck |
2 | ccNSO | Chris Disspain | Irina Danelia |
3 | GAC | Susan Chalmers | Manal Ismail |
4 | GNSO - CPH | Donna Austin | Jothan Frakes |
5 | GNSO - CSG | Susan PayneN.A. | Wolf-Ulrich Knoben |
6 | GNSO - NCSG | Rafik Dammak | Dr A M Sudhakara |
7 | RSSAC | Ken Renard | N.A. |
8 | SSAC | Barry Leiba | Chris Roosenraad |
9 | ASO | N.A. | N.A. |
Planning Prioritization Framework Pilot Action Items
Staff Support Lead: Becky Nash/ Victoria Yang/ Margaret Benavides
Main mailing list: