The ExCom to consider the request by Sebastien Bachollet to establish a small WG to discuss the location and logistics of the next Summit. - FOLLOW UP WITH ICANN FINANCE RE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR SUMMIT.
SB to provide ALAC with context for Board resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation. – STAFF TO FOLLOW HAVE FOLLOWED UP
ALAC to begin establishing communities we have access to that have experience in this field to data-mine on statistics on consumers - .
At the Singapore meeting a joint Working Session/meetings on Consumer issues is to be organized to provide a community-driven information to the Board.
ALAC Staff to contact CMR to control the quality of the translation (every three months to monitor) as well as quality of the interpretation.- IN PROGRESS
At-Large and IT staff to work on confluence archives. – IN PROGRESS. NEED MORE INPUT FROM EXCOM/ALAC ON CONTENT OF ARCHIVES
ALAC to send it the ALS Starter Kit to the PPC, the ICANN Board and Communications because it is very clear and could be used for other purposes. – IN PROGRESS
ALAC to identify any data that could be shared with the Registrars. - TO DISCUSS WITH ALAC
Patrick and Lutz to develop statement (with EBW) on SSAC Review and submit to ALAC. – COMPLETED
ALAC to request a 15 day extension on PEDNR. - COMPLETEDPatrick, Lutz, and EBW to draft statement on the Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team Set of Issues. - COMPLETED
Edmon Chung to draft statement on the Draft Proposal for the Study of Issues of IDN Variant TLD by 28 March. - COMPLETED
At-Large to have a hashtag to put up a Twitter wall. --STAFF TO FOLLOW UP WITH TANZANICA AND SCOTTBeginnner’s Guide for Singapore – Cybersavvy – protecting yourself on-line (a guide for end-users/a guide for consumers)-- useful information for the end-user.
ExCom to place Danny Younger's comment re cybersquatting registrar on next ALAC agenda. - TO BE DONE
- DY comment: For what it's worth, I would like to see the ALAC release a statement that says: We have taken note of yet another lawsuit naming an ICANN accredited registrar as a serial cybersquatter. We call upon the ICANN Compliance Department to act to eliminate the rogue registrars within our midst. For details see: http://domainnamewire.com/wp-content/above-verizon.pdf.