Notes. The Task Force discussed the following topics
1. Dispute Resolution Process
1. EURALO Board as first step
ICANN Ombudsman
3. Arbitration (3 EURALO members picked at random or volunteers)
4. EURALO General Assembly (according to Swiss Association law )
5. Final step: relevant court.
6. Timeframes to be determined: 3 months.
2. Funding
Proposal is to include a provision referencing that EURALO is able to receive funds from ICANN. Florian to put some text to provide the ability to EURALO to receive funds to
fulfill its functions.
3. Quorum
General principle is that Funded f2f quorum always higher than non f2f.
Choice: Funded f2f meeting 1/2 to set quorum and 2/3 to vote (red choice on google doc).
Olivier asked all members to review the choices in the google doc and add their names for their choice of quorum.
Yesim Saglam to send a doodle for a call in 2 weeks.