- Silvia Vivanco to assist Wolf to identify the session Exploring the "Public Interest" Within ICANN's Remit, scheduled for Monday at (1515-1630) in Marrakesh. 1).
- wolf.ludwig asked all EURALO members to send feedback by email on their interest to create the EURALO Public Interest WG. 2.)
- Gisella Gruber to set up a Single issue call for EURALO on CCWG - timing to be determined. Sebastian will get back to EURALO on this. 3).
- wolf.ludwig and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to issue a call for participants for the EURALO Working Group on the Public Interest. Interested members are asked to send a message to Wolf ASAP. 4).
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond asked members to sign up for the 2 newly created Task Forces on a) The Task force on By laws review b) the Task force on ALs engagement. 5).
- 6. wolf.ludwig and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to prepare the FY17 EURALO's request to be filed by Friday 22nd January.