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Comment: Task marked complete


    * The list of Board candidates incl. country of ALS / residence for individuals was reviewed. According to the performance criteria and experiences over the last years, it was suggested and decided to reduce the next Board to 5 members max. and preferably newcomers; Chair and Secretariat are added as Ex-officio but not counted as Board members. I think we do not need a further consultation on today's conclusions (anyone really interested could have participated in this call) -- see point 1 to 5 what is rather confusing to people who have not attended the call.


  •  Olivier Crépin-Leblond  to send an email to EURALO mailing list based on these conclusions and announcing a secret ballot soon to be prepared by Staff.


      * For the voting tool and instructions it should be clearly said that out of the 9 candidates every voter can select one candidate per country only (to avoid that Germans preferably select German candidates). BTW, I am not sure whether it's a good idea  to limit like "each ALS has 1 vote" or a candidate only? It's better -- and a usual practice! -- that each member can select / vote up to 5 candidates (but only one per country) for such a body. And finally, those . Those candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected for the next Board.
