Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the ICANN Cross-Community Committee on Accessibility on Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 21:00 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/1RaAAwKt08Bg
Gisella Gruber:Welcome Harold
Harold Arcos:Thanks Gisella, Hello everyone
Laura Bengford:Hello Cheryl and all, my audio is not working so will dial in.
Gunela Astbrink:Hi everyone
judith hellerstein:HI everyone
Glenn McKnight:NARALO has completed all the five of the CROPP trips including this trip in June at
Glenn McKnight:This is a special conference in Washington focused on the needs of persons with disabilities
Glenn McKnight:Special interest in the use of Internet of Things and technology
Gisella Gruber:Echo - we will locate
Gisella Gruber:( have muted Gunela
judith hellerstein:you may have to mute your speakers
Gisella Gruber:@ Laura - turn off your computer speakers
Laura Bengford:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/digitalservices/pages/111542360/Accessibility
Glenn McKnight:Another issue in compliance is the closed captions Not the Youtube captions
Glenn McKnight:
Heidi Ullrich:@Cheryl, who should prepare this presentation?
Gisella Gruber:We have remote participation set up (as well as 3 flip charts)
Laura Bengford:Thanks Gisella, I can create the presentation along with SA
Ariel Liang:SA = Simply Accessible (the vendor)
Glenn McKnight:Look at the survey results from captionoing at the last NARALO meeting
Glenn McKnight:Unexpected where people who had audio problems and the captioning was accurate and a helpful
Laura Bengford:@Gunela, we are still awaiting the Procurement guideline so I'll upload this shortly.
judith hellerstein:Yes. survey was very good
Gunela Astbrink:24 years!
Gunela Astbrink:I appreciate that.
Laura Bengford:@Jeff, thanks for adding that. Next step is building upon testing a useability program.
judith hellerstein:i lost jeff
Gisella Gruber:@ Gunela - meeting is on Wednesday 9 March from 10:45-12:00 UTC = 21:45-23:00 Sydney time. Hope this is suitable
Glenn McKnight:lost audio
judith hellerstein:me too
Gisella Gruber:audio issue
Gunela Astbrink:@Gisella. Yes, that time will be fine - thanks
judith hellerstein:so glad it is notme
Gisella Gruber:Please give us a couple of minutes to reconnect - apologies for the inconvenience!
Maureen Hilyard:Im having inconsistent connection with AC but phone link is fine
Laura Bengford:I'm glad I switched to phone!
Glenn McKnight:ok now
judith hellerstein:great audio is back
Gisella Gruber:Audio is back on AC
Ariel Liang:Captioning pilot: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/soBYAwpojvBQ
Glenn McKnight:how many captioning sessions besides NARALO meeting?
Glenn McKnight:Audio only for some
Glenn McKnight:no audio, no
Glenn McKnight:Just stress that other RALO's need to consider their CROPP trips
Glenn McKnight:to reach out to the Persons of Disabilities groups
judith hellerstein:two trips. nten and m-enabling
Glenn McKnight:@all did anyone complete the iTU survey on accessibility?
judith hellerstein:It was not an ITU only survey
judith hellerstein:
Glenn McKnight:It had some good questions
judith hellerstein:it was the ITU Council Working Group from the Intl Internet public policy group
Gunela Astbrink:I contributed to the ISOC paper to ITU CWG
judith hellerstein:there were 49 contributions to the online forum and then many more at the physical open consultation
judith hellerstein:transcripts are listed on this page as awell
judith hellerstein:yes they did have support on that but were not able to join our pilot
Gunela Astbrink:Will the F2F be captioned?
judith hellerstein:no. i tried to get it but staff said none of the icann meetings could be under the pilot
Gunela Astbrink:disappointing
judith hellerstein:yes I know
Gunela Astbrink:How will remote participation be set up?
Glenn McKnight:The sessioin that Satish Babu did in Brazil was really good since it shared best practices technologies.
Glenn McKnight:Do we have any Moroccan special needs group invited?
Gunela Astbrink:Thanks, Gisella
Gunela Astbrink:Let's plan well in advance for future ICANN meetings to invite disability groups
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):agreed Gunela
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Correct Gunela
Glenn McKnight:@Guenella this is why our other groups need to be aware, Lots of outreach to NGO's and Civil Society by AFRALO but are they outreaching to these groups?
judith hellerstein:we have no idea where it will be
judith hellerstein:was supposed to be panama
judith hellerstein:we also do not know if we will in Puerto Rico or not
Glenn McKnight:We have a disconnect if outreach fails to make the extra effort
Glenn McKnight:Perhaps we need more participation from Europe and Africa on these calls
Glenn McKnight:Its a out of sight issue
judith hellerstein:There will be a bunch of ISOC chapters from africa coming to marakesh meeting
judith hellerstein:they are coming to the actual meeting
Gunela Astbrink:How about Judy Okite from Kenya - is she coming?
judith hellerstein:yes. she was at the igf right
Gunela Astbrink::-)
judith hellerstein:bye all
Laura Bengford:Thank you everyone!
Ariel Liang:thanks all!
Gunela Astbrink:Thanks everyone, bye
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanks everyone... Bye for now...
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