Sub-group Members: Avri Doria, Becky Burr, David McAuley, Kate Wallace, Kavouss Arasteh, Liz Le, Malcolm Hutty, Robin Gross, Samantha Eisner (9)
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Greg Shatan
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
1. Admin/Intros/SOI
2. Timing issue (Malcolm)
3. Joinder issue (David)
4. Consensus policy challenges (David)
5. Attempt to segment out some issues for early decision (David)
6. AOB
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Welcome to the IRP-IOT Meeting #17 on 30 March 2017 @ 19:00 UTC! Please remember to mute your phone when not speaking by pressing *6 (star 6) *6 will also unmute your phone. Thank you!!
Bernard Turcotte Staff support:Hi all
David McAuley:Hi all, in Brussels, getting a dial-out
David McAuley:it is top of hour - let's wait two min for others to gather and me to get dial out
David McAuley:I understand i will be dialed in momentarily
Samantha Eisner:The 5800 is my audio line
Brenda Brewer:Thank you Samantha!
David McAuley:it is hilton brussels city room 210
Brenda Brewer:they are telling me wrong number
David McAuley:my aplogies everyone - hope to be on in a min
David McAuley:i used this number to get on alac call tuesday night and it worked,
Brenda Brewer:Please stand by...as we are still trying to connect David. Thank you for your patience!!
Bernard Turcotte Staff support:Kavouss we will get to you after Sam
b:are you on David?
David McAuley:thanks Bernie
b:audio that is
David McAuley:i am on phone now
Kavouss Arasteh:David, pls take over leading the meeting
David McAuley:will do after Sam
Kavouss Arasteh:I do not understand why we need those long intervention
Kavouss Arasteh:David ,pls take over
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Time Check - 30 minutes left in call
Samantha Eisner:Kavouss, there was not a determination in teh CCWG on the dates. that was reserved to the IOT
Samantha Eisner:We are open to a consideration of this item further, just to clarify
Samantha Eisner:if the IOT wishes to do so
Samantha Eisner:can the slide be advanced to translation?
David McAuley:back in for now
David McAuley:i can manage queue
b:My mike is not avialable - so I cannot speak
David McAuley:ok
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:My mike is not avialable - so I cannot speak
Samantha Eisner:using the IOT to decide which documents are to be translated in ICANN might be outside of the IOT's remit
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check - 12 minutes left in call
David McAuley:i cant lower my hand but it is meant to be lowered
David McAuley:i cant lower hand but wish to
Becky Burr 2:it's not up David
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check 4 minutes left - should start wrapping up
Samantha Eisner:Is it a review of the IRP, or a review of the rules?
Samantha Eisner:In any event, ATRT3 will be too soon
Becky Burr 2:bye all
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:adjourned
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all