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Adobe Connect room:

Action Items: EN and ES


Summary Minutes:EN and ES 

Interpretation: EN and ES

Recording: EN and ES

Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN

Transcription: EN   and ES 

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:








Antonio Medina Gomez (AMG), Sergio Salinas Porto (SSP), Alfredo Lopez (AL), Sylvia Herlein Leite (SHL), Alberto Soto (AS), Carlos Aguirre (CA), Wladimir Davalos (WD), Natalia Enciso (NA), Jose Arce (JA), Carlos Vera (CV), Fatima Cambronero (FC), Philippe Boland (PB), Humberto Carrasco (HC) , Vanda Scartezini (VS) GIlberto Lara (GL), Juan Manuel Rojas (JMR)

EN: Roosevelt King (RK),  Dev Anand Teelucksingh (DAT), Olivier Crepin Leblond (OCL), Carlton Samuels (CAS), Cintra Sooknanan (CS)

Apologies: Marcelo Telez

Staff:  Gisella Gruber,  

Interpreters: Sabrina & David





1. Bienvenida - Asistencia -  Jose (2 min) /  Funcionamiento Teleconferencia  Sylvia (2 min)


Para informacion respecto a las elecciones para miembros del ALAC y demas elecciones vean:  At-Large ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments 2012.

Eleccion de representante de LACRALO en ALAC para 2012-2014.

Cada candidato tendrá como máximo 10 minutos para hablarle a la comunidad. Será realizado en órden alfabética:

Cambronero Fatima - Statement of Interest

Carrasco, Humberto - Statement of Interest

Teelucksingh, Dev Anand - Statement of Interest


For information regarding the elections for ALAC members and other elections, please see : At-Large ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments 2012.

Eleccion de representante de LACRALO en ALAC para 2012-2014.

Each candidate will be given a maximum of 10 minutes to speak to the community. This will be done in alphabetical order:

Cambronero, Fatima - Statement of Interest

Carrasco, Humberto - Statement of Interest

Teelucksingh, Dev Anand - Statement of Interest


Carrasco, Humberto

Cambronero, Fatima


Eleccion de representante de LACRALO en ALAC para 2012-2014201