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label | Day 0: Sunday, 12 March 2023 |
title | Day 0: Sunday, 12 March 2023 |
| Short Description | Moderators and Participants |
17:30-18:30 Location: Outdoor Terrace, Terraza Akum | RE-CONNECT: LACRALO WELCOME RECEPTION The Welcome Reception will be an opportunity for LACRALO GA participants to informally meet and greet each other. The event will be held at the Outdoor Terrace, Terraza Akumal. Light drinks and hor d'oeuvres will be served. | Rodrigo de la Parra León Sanchez |
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label | Day 1: Monday, 13 March 2023 |
title | Day 1: Monday, 13 March 2023 |
Time | Title | Short Description | Moderator(s) and Participants | (07:00-08:30 EST) Location: Hotel breakfast room | RE-CONNECT: LACRALO Breakfast and Ice-Breaker
| This working breakfast is a gathering of LACRALO GA participants to have a chance to introduce themselves in an informal environment. Topic: What do you eat for breakfast in your country? |
| 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (09:00 - 10:00 EST) | Welcome Ceremony LACRALO members encouraged to attend Welcome Ceremony |
| 15:30 - 17:00 UTC (10:30 - 12:00 EST) | Q&A with ICANN Org Executive Team |
| 15:30 - 17:00 UTC (10:30 - 12:00 EST) | LACRALO Session 1 - RE-CONNECT: LACRALO GA Opening Session
| AGENDA - Welcome and Opening Comments - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (5 mins)
- Welcome from the ALAC Chair, Jonathan Zuck (5 mins)
- Roll call-quorum requirement 50% +1 as per LACRALO ROP Article 11.6. Each participant to briefly introduce themselves and their ALS - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (20 mins)
- Introduction and setting GA ground, aims and objectives and Agenda approval Article 11.11 - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (10 mins)
- Expectations of the GA-Chair - GA Chair (5 mins)
- An Introduction to LACRALO - Where we started and where we are -Carlos Aguirre, ALAC Member (30 mins)
- Presentation of the LACRALO Report- Present and ReConnect, ReEvolve and ReImpulse - LACRALO Chair, Augusto Ho and LACRALO Vice-Chair, Harold Arcos (10 mins)
- Closing and Housekeeping - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary with Staff (5 mins)
| Moderators: Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary Lead: SV/HU Notes: CD RPM: YS / CR (MDS) | 18:15 - 19:30 UTC (13:15 - 14:30 EST) | Joint Session ICANN Board and ALAC Agenda: - Questions from ICANN Board to ALAC
- Questions from ALAC to the ICANN Board
LACRALO members to attend ICANN Board- ALAC |
| Moderator: Lead: SV/HU Notes: CD RPM: Board Ops / YS | 20:00 - 21:00 UTC (15.00 - 16:00 EST) | GAC Discussions on DNS Abuse
| 20:00 - 21:00 UTC (15.00 - 16:00 EST) | LACRALO Session 2 - RE-EVOLVE: LACRALO GA Statement Discussion and Meeting with Public Responsibility Support LACRALO members will meet to discuss the LACRALO Statement on the GA Theme “Re-connect, Re-evolve and Re-impulse”. They will also meet with the Public Responsibility Support staff | Agenda: - Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (5 mins)
- Review and Discussion of the LACRALO Draft Statement on the GA Theme “Re-connect, Re-evolve and Re-impulse” - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (25 mins)
- Update on ICANN Stakeholder Programs (25 mins) - Siranush Vardanyan
- ICANN For Beginners
- Programs for Professionals and Students - Fellows and Next Gen
- Courses and Learning - ICANN Learn
- Closing and Housekeeping - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary with Staff (5 mins)
| Moderators: Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary Lead: HU/SV Notes: CD RPM: YS / CR | 21:30 - 22:30 UTC (16:30 - 17:30 EST) | LACRALO Session 3 - RE-IMPULSE: LACRALO Roundtable: “The Latin American Impact on the ICANN Ecosystem” The LACRALO Roundtable will include panelists from around the Latin American and Caribbean Islands region who will discuss and reflect on the participation of LAC stakeholders in the ICANN Ecosystem.
| Agenda: - Welcome, Aim of Meeting and Introduction to the Panelists - Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary (5 mins)
- Roundtable Panelists:
- León Sánchez-ICANN Board Director selected by At-Large
- Jenifer Lopez, ccNSO Councilor
- Mark Datysgeld, GNSO
- Carlos Aguirre - ALAC Member
- Juan Manuel Rojas, NCSG-NPOC
- Nicolás Caballero-GAC Chair-elect
- Questions and Answers - Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary
- Next Steps - Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary
| Moderator: Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary Lead: SV/HU Notes: CD RPM: YS / CR MDS? | 22:30 - 23:30 UTC (17:30 - 18:30 EST) Terraza Akumal | RE-CONNECT: LACRALO Networking Reception
| The LACRALO Networking Reception will offer an opportunity to network with the LACRALO General Assembly participants and other community members. The session also includes a performance by the Ballet Folklorico Nuevo Sol. Light refreshments will be served. | Moderators: Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary |
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label | Day 2: Tuesday, 14 March 2023 |
title | Day 2: Tuesday, 14 March 2023 |
Time | Title | Short Description | Moderator(s) and Participants | 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (09:00 - 10:00 EST) | LACRALO GA Session 4 - RE-IMPULSE: LACRALO Session- Strengthening Knowledge In this session, LACRALO members will have a chance to get an update on the ICANN "Knowledge-sharing and Instantiation Norms for DNS and Naming Security" (KINDNS) Program and will have an opportunity to discuss the LACRALO FY24 outreach plan with GSE staff.
| AGENDA - Welcome, Aim of Meeting and Introduction to the Panelists - Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary (5 mins)
- Overview of the NomCom - Vanda Scartezini, Chair of the NomCom (5 mins)
- Introduction to the Knowledge-sharing and Instantiation Norms for DNS and Naming Security" (KINDNS) Program- Nicolas Antoniello, Regional Technical Engagement Manager, ICANN (25 mins)
- Presentation of LACRALO’s Strategic Plan and the RALO Partnership - Rodrigo de la Parra, Vice President,, Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director - Latin America and Caribbean and LACRALO leaders Augusto and Claire-Rodrigo (20 mins)
- Closing and Housekeeping - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein (5 mins)
| Moderator: Claire Craig, LACRALO Secretary Lead: SV/HU Notes: CD (GG? parallel session) RPM: YS / CR (MDS) | 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (09:00 - 10:00 EST) | Joint Meeting GAC and ALAC
| Agenda: TBC | Moderator: Lead: GAC Support staff/HU (session is parallel) Notes: GAC Support staff/CD (session is parallel) RPM: GAC | 15:30 - 17:00 UTC (10:30 - 12:00 EST) | RALO Coordination Meeting /RE-EVOLVE LACRALO - LACRALO GA Engagement Session with the RALO Leaders
| Agenda - Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (5 mins)
- Discussion on Experiences in Onboarding with feedback from the LACRALO GA Participants - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary /All (25 mins)
- Experiences of Onboarding
- Suggestions for Improvements
- Discussion on Increasing Engagement with feedback from the LACRALO GA Participants - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary/All (25 mins)
- Next Steps - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (5 mins)
| Moderator: Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary Lead: HU Notes: GG RPM: YS / CR | 18:15 - 19:30 UTC (13:15 - 14:30 EST) | Geopolitical Forum |
20:00 - 21:00 UTC (15:00 - 16:00 EST) | LACRALO Session 5 - RE-IMPULSE: LACRALO Session on Data Protection
| This session will explore the concepts of Data Protection, Whois and RDP - Issues of importance for end users in the Latin American and the Caribbean region. AGENDA - Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (5 mins)
- Presentation on Domain Name Data Protection, including WHOIS and RDAP - Carlton Samuels (25 mins)
- Update from the ICANN org. Overview of ICANN org on the GDPR and update on the development of WHOIs Disclosure system - Elena Plexida, VP Government and lGO Engagement and Eleeza Agopian, Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives (25 mins)
- Closing and Housekeeping - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary with Staff (5 mins)
| Moderators: Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary Lead: SV/HU Notes: CD RPM: YS / CR | 20:00 - 21:00 UTC (15:00 - 16:00 EST) | Joint Meeting ICANN Board an GAC |
| 21:30 - 22:30 UTC (16:30 - 17:30 EST) | LACRALO Session 6 - RE-EVOLVE: Presentation of LACRALO GA Statement, Next Steps and Wrap up
| AGENDA - Welcome and Aim of Meeting - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary (5 mins)
- Presentation of the LACRALO Draft Statement on the GA Theme “Re-connect, Re-evolve and Re-impulse” (10 mins)
- Final Review of the LACRALO Draft Statement on the GA Theme “Re-connect, Re-evolve and Re-impulse” (20 mins)
- Concluding Comments (20 mins)
- Board Chair Tripti Sinha (5 mins) TBC
- Interim CEO Sally Costerton (5 mins) TBC
- Board Member selected by At-Large Leon Sanchez (5 mins)
- Rodrigo de la Parra, VP for Latin America and the Caribbean (5 mins)
- Closing and Housekeeping - Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary with Staff (5 mins)
IMPORTANT: The LACRALO GA Group Photo will be taken at the end of the LACRALO GA Wrap Up Session. PLEASE WEAR YOUR GA SHIRTS. | Moderator: Humberto Carrasco, GA President and Sylvia Herlein Leite, GA Secretary Lead: SV/HU Notes: CD RPM: CR / MDS |
| LACRALO Farewell Dinner (ONLY for LACRALO GA Participants) |