NCSG@ RightsCon
GDPR is Coming (after WHOIS) - (Friday May 18, 2018 10:30 - 11:45), Toronto, Canada
session description | mp3 | transcript
NCPH Intercessional Meeting (1-2 Feb February 2018) Los Angeles, USA
For recording of Plenary Sessions go to: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/LhshBJgB2Bg
NCPH Intersessional Meeting (14 - 16 February 2017) Reykjavik, Iceland
For recording of Plenary sessions please go to: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/LoLDAwiVB2Bg
NCSG Breakout Session 1 (14 Feb 2017): agenda | transcript | ac room recording
For recording of Plenary sessions please go to: NCPH Intersessional 2016 - Recordings & Transcripts
Documents Shared at Plenary Sessions:
- GNSO Review Presentation
- Plenary 2 Notes: Process for Community Decision Making (Board Seat and Council Vice Chairs)
- Plenary 3: Possible GNSO Future
- NCPH Intercessional Lunch Session, Day 2: Meeting Strategy Presentation slides
NCSG Meeting 03Meeting 03/02/16 (agenda | transcript)
NCUC Meeting 03Meeting 03/02/16 (agenda | transcript )
NPOC Meeting 03Meeting 03/02/16 (agenda | transcript )
NCUC Breakout Session Meeting 04/02/16 (agenda | transcript )
NPOC Breakout Session Meeting 04Session Meeting 04/02/16 (agenda | transcript )
NCSG Meeting 05/02/16 ( transcript )
NCPH Intersessional Meeting (12 - 14 January 2015) Washington DC