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TasksImplementation Outcomes
ATLAS III Programme Committee Survey

The survey (EN/FR/ES) was sent to all ATLAS III Participants was sent in December. The aim of the survey is to get feedback from the participants of the ATLAS III programme

30 EN;5 FR; 8 ES as of 13 December. 

The Programme committee can recruit other volunteers with the appropriate skills to do an analysis of the feedback from ATLAS III Participants

Recommendations will be developed from the analysis of the feedback for implementation by the Participants, the ALAC and/or RALOs

The ATLAS III Reporting Working Group's final report can be found here.

Recommendations must align with the ATLAS Ambassadors' Journey graphic to provide specific tasks, objectives and outcomes for each step of their journey.

These recommendations will also  be incorporated into the relevant 2020 schedules for At-Large Policy, Outreach, Capacity Building and Communications.

ATLAS Participants/At-Large Ambassador ReportsAll ATLAS III Participants/At-Large Ambassadors to complete a report on their experiences of ATLAS III
Analysis of Participant InterviewsThe results from the interviews of ATLAS III Participants are to be reviewed and analyzed
At-Large Academic Engagement Develop an At-Large Academic Strategic Plan that fits into the post-ATLAS III activities. Joanna to lead small group to develop proposal. 

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II. At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Plan - PEP  (Leads: Heidi Ullrich and Alperen Eken)


TasksImplementation Outcomes
Status Report 2Report to be prepared and submitted to the OEC by mid-December 2019
Remaining Implementation ActivitiesFinalization of remaining items by April 2020
Final ReportReport to be prepared and submitted to the OEC by mid-May 2020

IV. 2020 At-Large


Workplan Activities

1.Policy Involvement (Lead: Jonathan Zuck / Evin Erdogdu)

TasksImplementation Outcomes
CPWG CharterCPWG confirmation of charter, ALAC ratification of the document and distribution strategy with Comms

View file
nameicann_CPWGDiagram_FA3b (2).pdf

At-Large Policy Platform

Presentation of final document at ICANN67 Community Forum in Cancún

View file
nameAt-Large Interactive Platform p1.pdf

Policy resource development

Policy Fact Sheets


Learning Resources

At-Large DNS Abuse 101 Videos in EN, ES, FR

GeoNames Videos in EN, ES, FR

Learning resources in development with Joanna Kulesza, CBWG and ICANN Learn

Statements and advice

Incorporate recommendations from the ATLAS III Surveys relating to policy development for ATLAS Ambassadors


TasksImplementation Outcomes

At-Large Participation Toolkit

Develop a set of materials for each stage of involvement:

1) Onboarding;

2) Initial engagement (WG membership; assigned a coach/mentor;

3) Policy Advice development involvement;

4) At-Large leadership

General Assemblies (planning in collaboration with the Regional Leadership of RALOs  who have General Assemblies in 2020-2021: EURALO and LACRALO)

  • How can ATLAS III activities and learning be carried on to GAs as a process of continued learning and skill building resulting in increased engagement? 
  • What kind of information is important to impart to members about At-Large to encourage greater engagement by individual members (unaffiliated and ALS)
  • Has an assessment been carried out about those who were invited to the last RALO GA and how many are actually engaged a year later?

RALO Outreach and Engagement Strategies
  • RALO O&E co-Chairs to be appointed by the RALOs 
  • Ensure that RALO strategies are prepared and presented to GSE VCs
  • To include implementation plans and allocation of CROP and Discretionary Funding
  • Role of At-Large Ambassadors to be developed in consultation with the RALO co-Chairs (who will discuss with RALO leadership)
  • Co-Chairs to share policy resources produced in-house by their RALOs in collaboration with their CPWG representatives
  • Incorporate the recommendations that come out of the ATLAS Survey relating to Outreach 

Repository of skills and interests  

  • Survey of those members who are the key participants within ALSes for skills and interests as they relate to key policy areas and outreach activities 
  • Analysis of surveys to identify possible capacity building needs and identify potential leaders in various interests (policy/engagement/outreach/etc.)
  • Identify how these skills and interests relate to the policy, engagement and outreach activities of At-Large and ICANN

4. Operations/Communications (Lead: Maureen Hilyard/Heidi Ullrich/Evin Erdogdu) 

TasksImplementation Outcomes



Communications Strategy

See: At-Large Communications Strategy Workspace

  • Develop key messages we want to give about Post-ATLAS At-Large
  • incorporate any recommendations relating to communications from the ATLAS III survey
  • Draft Communications Strategy for comment.

View file
nameAt-Large Communications Strategy 2020-21, Version 5 (1).docx

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Coordinate with NPOC and GAC Underserved Regions WG, and Public Policy WG

Include NPOC and GAC into resource and course development projects as well as encourage Meetings with GAC working groups (Yrjo to coordinate with GAC Liaison)

Coordinate Resource Development activities (from Policy, Capacity Building and Outreach)

Work with the Capacity Building Working Group ICANN Learn Design Teams to build more courses to support policy and penholding capacity building within At-Large 

GSE Coordination in the regions (2xSallys) - Pacific Plan

Working with Pua Hunter (Cook Islands, GAC Vice Chair) and Save Vocea  (Fiji, GSE Oceania VP) regarding Pacific engagement project
Periodic Updates on ITI/ITPHold regular meetings with Jana and attend online consultation sessions

ALT+ At-Large projects for SO-AC flexibility fund 

In preparation for the Los Angeles SOAC Chairs meeting at the end of January 2020
Feedback on CCEG-IG Send information to David Olive
