Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
Adobe room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/euralo
Participants :
Wolf Ludwig, Oksana Prykhodko, Sandra Hoferichter, Adela Danciu, Yuliya Morenets, Christopher Wilkinson, Yrjo Lansipuro, Olivier Crepin-LeblondApologies: Bill Drake, Lutz Donnerhacke,
Siranush VardanyanStaff: Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Heidi Ullrich
Action Items: EURALO Action Items 24 April 2012
2. Review of the Action Items from the 27 March 2012 call (2 mins)
3. Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments (OCL 10 min.)
a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements:
i. Draft ALAC Statement on the Fake Renewal Notices Report
ii Draft ALAC Statement on the Verisign Request to Implement Redemption Grace Period (RGP) for .name
b. Statements currently being reviewed by the ALAC
i. .com Registry Agreement Renewal - ALAC vote closes 25 April
ii. At-Large Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - ALAC vote closes 24 April
iv. Draft ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps - ALAC vote closes 27 April
See: At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process
5. Briefing on ICANN Academy WG process -- latest updates (Sandra 5 min.)
- preparation for next EURALO GA, 13 June in Stockholm in-line with / eve of EuroDIG 2012 (org. team/volunteers ?)
- ALAC Anniversary party at the ICANN 44 meeting in June in Prague (preliminary concept, timing, participation etc. -- see draft)EURALO_Prague44_ planning.docxALAC-Birthday_slides_Prague44.docx
- EURALO monthly meeting (to be discussed and planned)
See: EURALO Regional Events page
See: EURALO Secretariat Monthly Reports