Spanish Conference ID = 3535 (subject to availability)
Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/93545466447?pwd=NjZndjdpWTliOHVueXl3Q1lHNm9SUT09 / Password: #CBWGWeb1!
Action Items: EN
Transcript: EN, ES
Zoom Chat: EN
Recording: EN EN, ES
Zoom Recording: EN
Dial out Participants:
EN:Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Hadia El Miniawi, Jonathan Zuck, Glenn McKnight, Naveed Bin Rais, Maureen Hilyard, Sarah Kiden,
ES: Alberto Soto, Lilian Ivette de Luque
Apologies: Alfredo Calderon, Annett Bonuke
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Betsy Andrews, Gisella Gruber, MIchelle DeSmyter
ES Interpreters: David & Lilian
Call Management:TBDMichelle DeSmyter
Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 min)
Adoption of the Agenda - Hadia (3 min)
Update on Available ICANN Learn Courses and Possible At-Large Course - Betsy Andrews, ICANN Learn (10min
)Relevant Current ICANN Learn courses 27Oct22[1].pdf for use in developing an At-Large Capacity Building Knowledge Building ICANN Learn Module
Process for developing a new At-Large ICANN Learn course (If neededReview of Action Items - Hadia (5 min)
Analysis of The Art of Leadership - Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Sarah Kiden (10 min)
See: the The Art of Leadership Analysis used during the workshop
First Steps Toward the Development of a Pilot Art of Skill development program package for the APRALO and AFRALO GAs with the aim of having the program be a part of ATLAS IV - All (10 min)
- AOB - Hadia (8
Discussion with Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair, on the FY23 ALAC Priorities and Capacity Building Strategic Plans - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Chair (15 mins)
Initial Discussion of At-Large Capacity Building WG Review of ICANN Learn and At-Large Capacity Building Webinars - All (20 mins)
See: Review document
AOB - Hadia (3 min)
Next Call - Hadia (2 min)