3. Current Position Description for ALAC Members and Liaisons
- See: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/3621174399542969/PositionDescription-final-20091012.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1348120936968
- HR: We need to ensure that we work through the definitions
- CLO: These are current. This was a resolution adopted by the ALAC.
- AG: I think it came about due to the recommendations in the external review. This was approved Oct 12-2008
- HR: We should be cross referencing our work.
- CLO: There is little in this document i would be changing. This document was ritten as an annex. It should be referred to by the RoPs.
- ED: Discussed a recent vote in LACRALO for the ALAC delegate to the NomCom.
- HR: One thing that we forgot, if we get ...support,we are supposed to ....meetings.
- AG: That was not part of the travel support in before. You may certainly add that to the list of possible metrics.
- CLO: I was thinking about the reporting Holly referred to. That was an additional issue to ensure that enough people were at Meetings and reporting.
- AG: I'll point out that we've treated the ICANN meeting as one session in the past. We could do this for individual At-Large meetings.
- HR: Reporting back would be useful.
- AG: Adjourned meeting. Asked that members make comments on the wiki pages.
- AG: We have to be sure to choose the correct wording. I am introducting this now so we can be sure we did not forget something important.
- AG: The first one is, we have all agreed that the definition of ALAC member should b more details and refined.