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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

To create an SOI in the GNSO approved format, please follow the instructions on this page carefully. 

If you require help to obtain a login account, please contact


titleClick here if you DID NOT successfully login to this Wiki site with an ID and Password

IMPORTANT: You need to login to this GNSO Wiki site with an ID and Password (separately provided) before attempting to create a New SOI page. If you have not yet been issued an ID and Password to this site, you will have Anonymous user privileges which provides <View> only access to these pages and information. Anonymous users cannot create new pages, edit existing ones, or add comments. See GNSO Statements of Interest (SOI) for more information.

If you were issued a LoginID/Password to this Wiki and your browser did not automatically prompt you to enter it, please click on the Login menu item at the top right of this page, which will bring up a new window in which you can enter your credentials.

If you require help to obtain a login account, please contact


Below you will find a set of written Instructions that will guide you in creating a Statement of Interest (SOI) in the approved format. You may want to print or copy these instructions to a notepad application or open in a new window/tab so that you can refer to them as you complete the steps.


Add page form
parentNew SOIs
linkTextEnter your name (e.g., Mary Smith) in the text box
postfix SOI
source + Statement + of +Interest+%28SOI%29+Template&templateId=37355527&linkCreation=&spaceKey=gnsosoi&newSpaceKey=gnsosoi&fromPageId=14713459&parentPageString=New+SOIs&labelsString=gnso%2C+soiInterest (SOI) Template
labelsgnso, soi


Step 5: (Optional) If you wish to set editing security, click on your SOI Page under Statements under Statements of Interest, then:

  • Click on the <Tools> top menu and select <Restrictions>
  • Click the radio button next to <Restrict editing of this page> and click on <Me>. (Note: this will enable ONLY you to make subsequent changes to this SOI; however the ICANN Administrator will always have full access to the page, its contents, and the underlying template).
  • Click <Save> to make your change permanent. (Note: you can change or remove the restrictions at any time). 
