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For other places see:




  1. Welcome and SOI SOI updates
  2. Selection Process: GNSO nominated Fellowship Program Mentor 
    - Review of Poll Results

    - Discussion of Candidates
  3. Next Steps for Selection Process: GNSO nominated member of the Fellowship Selection Committee
  4. AOB





Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

  1.  Re: Fellowship Mentor Selection Process: Staff to send an email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Arinola Akinyemi as the candidate and ask for non-objection in 48 hours [DONE].
  2. Re: GNSO nominated member of the Fellowship Selection Committee Member from the GNSO: Staff to send a poll for the SSC to preview [DONE].
  3. Staff to send a Doodle to schedule a meeting for the weeks of 23 and 30 January [DONE].



  1. Welcome and SOI updates
  • Tim Smith: Update SOI to indicate that he has been a member of the SCBO.  See: Tim Smith SOI

2. Selection Process: GNSO nominated Fellowship Program Mentor 

- Review of Poll Results 

First question: Based on the candidate's materials and your own personal experience if applicable, do you think that the candidate has the experience, skills, and attributes necessary, as described in the call for volunteers, to serve as the GNSO nominated mentor?

  • Those who filled out the poll did weigh in on the candidates.  We can come back to that.

Ranking: Weighted by the survey applications:

Please rank these candidates in order of preference with regards to how the candidate meets the experience, skills, attributes requirements outlined in the call for volunteers

1 - 1.6 avg - Arinola Akinyemi

2 - 3 avg - Arsene Tungali

3 - 3.2 avg - Pascal Bekono

4 - 4 avg - Shah Zahidur Rahman

5 - 4.2 avg - Hago Dafalla

6 - 5.2 avg- Lia Hernandez

7 -  6.8 avg - Christopher Momanyi

- Discussion of Candidates

  • Question: How did respondents rank the candidates?  Answer: Generally tried to be objective and look at the criteria against the candidates expressions of interest and SOIs.
  • Looking for participation in working groups.
  • Some SSC members may not be familiar with some candidates so need to rely on the applicant’s materials.
  • Narrow it down to the top 3 candidates for discussion – Arinola, Arsene, and Pascal.
  • Question: Would like to understand the average rankings.  Answer: These are automatically generated by the survey tool. The average of the scores provided by the 5 people who responded.
  • Last 4 mentors were male – would like to consider a female in this role all other considerations being equal.  General agreement.
  • Also for diversity would support candidates from Africa.
  • Question: Is there a practice of naming an alternate if the top candidate can’t serve? Answer: For this role just a single candidate has been put forward historically, but the SSC can request that a second candidate could be considered for the role if that candidate can’t serve.  Should focus on putting forward a single candidate.
  • From the Council Liaison’s perspective it seems like it would be okay to give guidance that the second candidate be considered if the top candidate can’t serve.  Staff agrees that it seems that this wouldn’t be precluded by the SSCs role/charter.  Or the liaison can say something verbally.
  • Question: What about putting forward two candidates – the main candidate and alternate?  Answer: Seems that would be out of scope – selecting “a candidate”.  Don’t think the Fellowship Program has a mechanism for alternates and don’t think it is currently envisioned. Stick with naming a single candidate.
  • Perhaps in future consider instituting a test of familiarity with the GNSO.
  • SSC can consider future improvements to the mentor selection process.
  • SSC makes decisions by full consensus, so we give a “direction of travel” to the list and ask for non-objection.  Usually give 24 hours but could give longer.
  • Question: Any objection to putting forward Arinola as the preferred candidate to the list?  Answer: No objection.  Proceed with Arinola.

Next Steps:

  • Staff to send an email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Arinola Akinyemi as the candidate and ask for non-objection in 48 hours.
  • If no objections, amend the placeholder motion.
  • Council to vote at 19 January meeting.
  • GNSO to submit name to the Fellowship Program

ACTION ITEM re: Fellowship Mentor Selection Process: Staff to send an email to the SSC list with the preliminary decision to put forward Arinola Akinyemi as the candidate and ask for non-objection in 48 hours [DONE].


Tentative Proposed Timeline:

  • 1 December 2022: Launch Fellowship Mentor EOI
  • 21 December 2022: Deadline for Fellowship Mentor EOI
  • 22 December 2022: Open poll for SSC members complete on Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • 9 January 2023: Motion Deadline for January GNSO meeting – submit placeholder motion 
  • 10 January 2023: Close poll for SSC members complete on Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • 11 January 2023: SSC meeting to discuss Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • 18 January 2023: Last day to submit name of recommended candidate
  • 19 January 2023: GNSO Council meeting – Council confirms candidate recommended by SSC
  • 31 January 2023: Deadline for the GNSO to submit name to the Fellowship Program

3. Next Steps for Selection Process: GNSO nominated member of the Fellowship Selection Committee

Tentative Proposed Timeline:

  • 9 December 2022: Launch EOI
  • 6 January 2023: Deadline for EOI
  • Mid-January 2023: Open poll for SSC members complete on candidates
  • One day prior to SSC meeting in the second half of January 2023: Close poll for SSC members to complete on candidates
  • Second half of January 2023: SSC meeting to discuss Fellowship Mentor candidates
  • 6 February 2023: Motion Deadline for February GNSO meeting – placeholder motion possible
  • 15 February 2023: Last day to submit name of recommended candidate
  • 16 February 2023: GNSO Council meeting – Council confirms candidate recommended by SSC
  • 16 February 2023: GNSO to submit name to the Fellowship Program

ACTION ITEM re: GNSO nominated member of the Fellowship Selection Committee Member from the GNSO: Staff to send a poll for the SSC to preview [DONE].

4. AOB: Next meeting

ACTION ITEM: Staff to send a Doodle to schedule a meeting for the weeks of 23 and 30 January [DONE].