FY18-15-NCUC - Policy Practicum and Policy Advocacy Training Request for NCUC member training in policy writing skills for PDP participation and contribution to ICANN public comment process. (Yes)(20,000)(Duncan Burns) The ICANN Communications Team and the ICANN Learn Team will collaborate withtheNonCommercialUsers Constituency (NCUC) leadership to develop content and to hold preparatory webinars as required leading up to a pilot face-to-face training course at ICANN61 with an external consultant during the regular public meeting schedule. The face-to-face training at ICANN61 will focus on skills development for policy writing. Additional resources flexibility is not available in FY18tosupportadditionaltravelersforthetravelcomponent of this request, but the NCUC is encouraged to identify interested community members who will already be attending the ICANN61 meeting to sign up for the face-to-face component of this training effort. On a pilot basis, additional webinars could be incorporated into this program as a substitute for students who cannot participate in the face-to-face training.
FY18-16-NCUC - Funding for IGF 2017 Request for NCUC representatives to be funded to lead a panel at the IGF 2017. (Yes)(12,000)(Mandy Carver) Three workshoppanelistsfromNCUC are approved for travel support to the IGF 2017 Meeting. Allocation of support is contingent on: (1) Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) approval of the proposed panel; and (2) submission of a detailed report from each traveler within 30-days of meeting return that addresses each itemized metric as per request (e.g., audience turnout/engagement at workshops, numberofnewNCUC members, number and diversity of contacts and relationships established, number of bilateral meetings, numberofexistingNCUC members reached at IGF, etc.). Report to be submitted to sbr-outcomes@icann.organdiscondition of future resource allocations. Approvedtravelincludesassumptionof: economy airfare + four travel days and three hotel nights + per diems appropriate to region traveled.
FY18-19-NCUC - Full Full-time employee to join ICANN Constituency travel NCUC request for a visa application full-time employee to join ICANN’s Constituency travel team. (Yes-Core)(0)(Joseph de Jesus) During this time of increasing challenges related to almost all aspects of international travel, the ICANN Constituency Travel Team (as part of its core budget and activities) is working to identify and deliver new services that can help ICANN’ssupportedtravelingcommunity– particularly those who have the most challenges with visas in many countries. While a new full-time staff member is not an option for FY18, the team is presently in the process of contracting with an outside organization with expertise in this area to provide “high touch” visa application support services to assist travelers in compiling, completing and packaging their visa applications to ensure a high rate of success. The service will be phase-one beta-tested startingfirstwithtravelersfromtheFellowship Program and potentially include other funded travelers who historically have had visa issues. If all goes well, a second more expansive phase will be rolled out. More detailed information will be forthcoming on this initiative from the team.
FY18-20-NCUC - Continuation of Communication support NCUC request for continuation of communication support (printing, graphic design, content, etc) in FY18 (Yes)(0)(Jana Juginovic)
See FY18-64 below. Creation of informational community content is a capability that the Communications Team has developed over the past few years. The Communications Team is being allocated FY18 resources to support community content production requests. For this particular request, the Communications Team will collaborate with the NCUC Leadership on developing the appropriate materials to achieve the goals outlined in the proposal. See FY18-64 below - Media & Publications Support. Implementation to be conducted by Communications Team.
FY18-25-/NCSG/NPOC - Capacity building program for NCSG, NCUC and NPOC to enable the NCSG members to effectively participate in policymaking at ICANN from various WGs to CCWGs. NCUC, NCUC and NPOC joint request for a tailor-made training program for NCUC and NPOC members to create future leaders. (Yes)(66,000)(Benedetta Rossi)
The Policy Development Support Team, Global Stakeholder Engagement Team and Public Responsibility Support Team will collaborate with NCUC, NCSG and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) leadership to create a tailor-made pilot instructional program focused on: consensus building and negotiation skills for NCUC and NPOC members.
As part of this program development, components may include development of an online curriculum, in-person facilitation and discussions. Timing and location to be determined based on discussions and collaboration between community and ICANN Org Team (Policy Development Support Team, Global Stakeholder Engagement Team, Public Responsibility Support Team and Meetings Team). If in-person facilitation component is developed, then ICANN office location or ICANN Public Meeting space is required and all applicable travel guidelines would apply.
The parties are also encouraged to utilize existing core programs that focus on team interaction, collaboration, consensus building and negotiation skills.
On a pilot basis, the NCUC, NPOC and NCSG will also each be eligible to apply for an additional seat for the Leadership Program at ICANN61. See FY18-03.