Leadership Members: Team: Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Susan Kawaguchi, Alan Greenberg
ICANN Organization: Org: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Alice Jansen, Lisa Phifer, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
- Welcome, Roll-Call, SoI Updates
- Subgroups Status Update
- Face-to-Face Meeting #3
- Plenary Call Agenda #32
- A.O.B.
- Confirm Decisions Reached and Action Items
Documents: PDF
- Adobe replyreplay
- mp3 replay
AC Chat: EN
Decisions Reached:
ICANN62 slide deck structure is approved
Face-to-Face Meeting #3:
Use a pre-populated draft subgroup report to drive discussions and reach agreement.
Report in slides background of submitted recommendations.
Action Items:
- ICANN62 slide deck
- Slide 7: Assess effectiveness of today's RDS (WHOIS): Alan to suggest alternative phrasing of "anything new" objective
- Slide 8: Add "Comprehensive" review of GDPR impact on WHOIS landscape
- Add bullet "Review of GDPR Implementation"
- ICANN org to reflect broader nature of some subgroups on the intro-to-subgroup slide
- Reflect consensus reached on recommendations slides
- Face-to-Face meeting #3: ICANN org to liaise with Constituency Travel on communication of new face-to-face meeting dates
- Subgroup Status Updates: ICANN org to send out a reminder about today's deadline for comments on subgroup reports
- Plenary Call #32:
- Add subgroup discussion on "Outreach", "Safeguarding Registrant Data", "Data Accuracy"
- Add "Schedule of teleconferences after ICANN62" (ie cancelling meeting just after ICANN62)