Community Services Inventory/Matrix: Data Analysis
September 2014
In August 2014, staff substantively reviewed the complete community services inventory information for the first time. Staff identified a number of substantial and interesting observations about the list of current services. Staff made a number of observations and developed a number of general overall impressions that are being shared as part of this report.
Training/Testing support is available for GNSO, ccNSO and At-Large communities for new tools/products.
Please refer to Training/Testing, rows 74-77 of the document.
Communications support is available to all SOs and ACs, with a few additional services delivered to specific communities due to diverse needs, including:
- Wiki space provided and available on ICANN’s community Wiki for all SOs and ACs.
- SOAC Leaders/Council members updated on the ICANN website/Wiki for the GNSO, GNSO Council and RSSAC.
- News and information is sent to community members via mailing lists to all SOs and ACs.
- ICANN’s Policy staff is available to give presentations to community members, as requested, across the board.
- Social media updates are provided for GNSO, GNSO Council, ccNSO and At-Large communities.