1. P2A Background briefing paper legal vs natural - 7 December 2020.docx
- ICANN Org Response - EPDP Phase 2A - LNP - 3 March 2021.pdf
- Appendix A_ Detailed Overview - 3 March 2021.pdf
2. Legal vs. Natural Study ICANN Org: Rec17.2_Legal-Natural_8jul20.pdf
23. Bird & Bird Legal Advice Memos - Legal v. Natural:
- Phase 1 Memo - Legal v. Natural:Natural vs. Legal Memo.docx
- Phase 2 Memo - Legal v. Natural:CONSENT (Priority 2 - Question 2).docx
Additional resources suggested by EPDP Team:
- Proposed directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (see https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=72166)