20 October 2022
Volunteers for tracks:
Policy Forum: Nabeel Yasin, Gopal (already on), Dr.N.Sudha Bhuvaneswari , Namra Naseer, Asyraf Mierza Abd Rahma
Social Media: Abdullah Qamar, Dr.N.Sudha Bhuvaneswari, Pavel Farhan
Newsletter: Dr.N.Sudha Bhuvaneswari
19 May 2022
- Justine Chew to send the invitation for the first Fireside Chat on 26 May - time TBC
- Aris Ignacio reaching out to ALSes to update their information on wiki pages and/ or to staff
- Staff to consider APRALO Friendly times for the ICANN75 Planning Committee, possibly rotating times
17 March 2022
None recorded