Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier access: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/D5IzBwxPOeBg
This agenda was established according to the GNSO Operating Procedures v3.3, updated on 30 January 2018
Coordinated Universal Time: 21:00 UTC:
13:00 Los Angeles; 1316:00 Washington DC; 21:00 London; (Friday) 02:00 Islamabad; (Friday) 06:00 Tokyo; (Friday) 08:00 Melbourne
2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action Item List
Item 3: Consent Agenda (10 minutes)
- Motion to adopt the GNSO Council response to the GAC Communique.
- Motion for the confirmation of GNSO representative to the Empowered Community Administration
- Confirmation of Anne Aikman-Scalese as one of the GNSO appointees to the CCWG Auction Proceeds
Here, the Council will vote (motion) to approve Supplemental Recommendation reaffirming the part of the original Recommendation #12 and the Implementation Advice.
On 18 April 2019, the Council voted to approve recommendations 1-4 of Final Report from the IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms PDP WG. The Council also resolved to not approve Recommendation 5 and, ” directs the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs (RPM) PDP to consider, as part of its Phase 2 work, whether an appropriate policy solution can be developed that is generally consistent with Recommendations 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the PDP Final Report and:
Here, the Council will discuss the draft revisions to the Addendum to the RPMs PDP charter, as well as additional steps that need to be taken prior to Council consideration for adoption.
Item 6: COUNCIL UPDATE - Expedited PDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data - Phase 2 Work (15 minutes)
As noted in the charter for the Expedited PDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data, work on a System for Standardized Access to Non-Public Registration Data (SSAD) commenced after the work on a series of gating questions are complete. With the EPDP Team’s delivery of its Final Report to the GNSO Council, the work on the gating questions was considered completed and the work on the SSAD, or otherwise known as phase 2 of the EPDP, commenced. In March of 2019, the GNSO Council resolved to indicate its non-objection to the EPDP Phase 2 work beginning; the Team commenced its Phase 2 deliberations on 2 May 2019.
The Team has worked diligently in developing draft “building blocks” and policy principles that can serve as components of the SSAD. Leveraging ICANN meetings and a dedicated face-to-face meeting in September 2019, as well as remote meetings twice a week, the Team has made substantial progress towards its goal of publishing its Initial Report for public comment by mid-December of 2019. However, the EPDP Team collectively agreed to delay publication from December until a target date of 7 February 2020, noting it would prefer more time to ensure the overall quality and comprehensiveness of its draft recommendations; accordingly, the Team submitted a Project Change Request (PCR) to the GNSO Council. The EPDP Leadership presented the ramifications of delayed publication to the EPDP Team, noting, specifically, if the EPDP Team delays publication at this stage, no slack remains in the project plan to deliver a Final Report by June. In the event the EPDP Team does not meet the June deadline, any remaining resources allocated will be returned to conclude fiscal year 2020. Therefore, if the EPDP were to determine additional resources will be necessary to complete its work, the GNSO Council will be required to request more resources from the Board.
8.1 - Consideration of previous GNSO Council Additional Budget Requests (ABRs) and whether they should be pursued in the future, as well as if other ABRs should be submitted. FY20 ABRs included:
- GNSO Council Strategic Planning Session (similar ABRs submitted in FY18, FY19, and FY20)
- PDP Leadership Travel Pilot (similar ABRs submitted submitted in FY18, FY19, and FY20)
- Consensus Building Playbook (submitted in FY20 only, as an element of PDP 3.0)
8.2 - Letter from ICANN org - EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 28